Securities (A): U.S. Transactions with Foreign-Residents in Long-Term Securities



Special Series for U.S. Securities

[See: (i) the "Article on TIC" dated 04-18-2024 (about valuation-change data); and (ii) the Notices below dated 03-15 and 03-31-2023 (about new files and data)]

  1. Recent Net U.S. Sales, by country,
    1. Net U.S. sales of U.S. long-term securities, by month. This is a global file (includes a set of rows for each country). Also in txt (tab-delimited) format. Both formats are easily opened into a spreadsheet program. In the file, data are in the columns "Net U.S. Sales"; data begin at February 2023. Data on Asset-Backed Securities (ABS; see footnote #3 below) are available near the bottom of the file, in the rows "Of Which: Asset-Backed Securities" (code = 89991).
    2. Net U.S. purchases of Foreign long-term securities, by month. This is a global file (includes a set of rows for each country). Also in "txt (tab-delimited)" format. Both formats are easily opened into a spreadsheet program. In the file, data are in the columns "Net U.S. Purchases"; data begin at February 2023. Data on Asset-Backed Securities (ABS; see footnote #3 below) are available near the bottom of the file, in the rows "Of Which: Asset-Backed Securities" (code = 89991).
  2. Gross U.S. Purchases and Sales, by country and groups. This is a global file (includes a set of rows for each country). Also available in txt (tab-delimited) format. Both formats are easily opened into a spreadsheet program. Data on Asset-Backed Securities (ABS; see footnote #3 below) are available near the bottom of the file, in the rows "Of Which: Asset-Backed Securities" (code = 89991).
    1. Country groups include Grand Total, Europe, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean, Asia, Africa, International Organizations, and Others.
    2. (7-12-2018) Transactions with four oil exporting countries, January 2003 to December 2014 (see footnote #2). Also in "CSV" format.
  3. Monthly Press Release webpage, including: historical data (html); FAQs on lines in the press release data table; and Archives webpage of previous monthly TIC data releases.
  4. Net U.S. Sales of U.S. long-term securities by major foreign sector:
    1. U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes. To create the file used before the release on 3-31-2023: Under the column "U.S. Treasuries/Net U.S. Sales", choose a date and obtain the data for: (i) total net U.S. sales from the rows "Grand Total" (code-99996); (ii) foreign official institutions from the rows "of which Foreign Official" (code-99990); (iii) other foreigners from the rows "of which Foreign Non-Official" (code 99991); and (iv) international & regional organizations from the rows "Total IROs" (code-79995).
    2. U.S. Gov't Corp. & Federally-sponsored Agency Bonds. To create the file used before 3-31-2023: Under the column "U.S. Agency Bonds/Net U.S. Sales", choose a date and obtain the data for: (i) total net U.S. sales from the rows "Grand Total" (code-99996); (ii) foreign official institutions from the rows "of which Foreign Official" (code-99990); (iii) other foreigners from the rows "of which Foreign Non-Official" (code 99991); and (iv) international & regional organizations from the rows "Total IROs" (code-79995).   
      -- Comparison with Federal Reserve data on official holdings (FAQ #10.b);
    3. U.S. Corporate & Other Bonds. To create the file used before 3-31-2023: Under the column "U.S. Corp & Other Bonds/Net U.S. Sales", choose a date and obtain the data for: (i) total net U.S. sales from the rows "Grand Total" (code-99996); (ii) foreign official institutions from the rows "of which Foreign Official" (code-99990); (iii) other foreigners from the rows "of which Foreign Non-Official" (code 99991); and (iv) international & regional organizations from the rows "Total IROs" (code-79995).
    4. U.S. Stocks. To create the file used before 3-31-2023: Under the column "U.S. Corp Equity/Net U.S. Sales", choose a date and obtain the data for: (i) total net U.S. sales from the rows "Grand Total" (code-99996); (ii) foreign official institutions from the rows "of which Foreign Official" (code-99990); (iii) other foreigners from the rows "of which Foreign Non-Official" (code 99991); and (iv) international & regional organizations from the rows "Total IROs" (code-79995).
  5. Net U.S. Purchases of Foreign Long-term Securities, by type of foreign security. See the three columns titled "Net U.S. Purchases" on the rows for "Grand Total" (code = 99996).
  6. Discontinued data series on Long-term Securities, effective for dates after January 2023:
    1. The estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of unrecorded principal repayments to foreigners on domestic corporate and agency asset-backed securities (ABS). These repayments are now included in the "US Purchases" transactions data for U.S. securities (line A.1 above), but are not separately identified.
    2. The estimates of foreign portfolio acquisitions of U.S. stocks, and of U.S. portfolio acquisitions of foreign stocks, through stock swaps.


======== Start: How this webpage looked before March 31, 2023, when Form S data were used (data ends at January 2023) ========
  1. Recent Net Foreign Purchases, by country
    1. Net purchases of U.S. long-term securities:
      1. By month. Also in csv format.
      2. By quarter. Also in csv format.
    2. Net purchases of Foreign long-term securities:
      1. By month. Also in csv format.
      2. By quarter. Also in csv format.
  2. Gross & Net Purchases by All Foreigners of long-term Asset-Backed Securities (ABS). (See Footnote #1 below.)
    1. Foreign Net purchases of U.S. ABS:
      1. By month.
    2. U.S. Net purchases of Foreign ABS:
      1. By month.
  3. Gross Foreign Purchases and Sales, by country:
    1. By Country
    2. Grand Total (total of all countries).
    3. Global (includes a set for each country) (4,000 KB). Also available in "csv" and "txt (tab-delimited)"formats to download for spreadsheets. The list of country codes-country names is in "Resources" in the upper-right section of the webpage.
    4. Europe & Canada
    5. Latin America & Caribbean
    6. Asia
    7. Africa, International Organizations, & Others
    8. (7-12-2018) Transactions with four oil exporting countries, January 2003 to December 2014 (see footnote #2). Also in "CSV" format.
  4. Monthly Press Release webpage,
  5. Net Foreign Purchases of U.S. long-term securities by major foreign sector:
    1. U.S. Treasury Bonds & Notes;
    2. U.S. Gov't Corp. & Federally-sponsored Agency Bonds.   
      -- Comparison with Federal Reserve data on official holdings (FAQ #10.b);
    3. U.S. Corporate & Other Bonds;
    4. U.S. Stocks.
  6. Other Acquisitions of U.S. Long-term Securities:
    1. Estimates by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of unrecorded principal repayments to foreigners on domestic corporate and agency asset-backed securities (ABS). (The methodology was last revised on 11-16-2012, when use of the SLT data began.)
    2. Estimated foreign portfolio acquisitions of U.S. stocks through stock swaps.
  7. Net Purchases of Foreign Long-term Securities, by type of foreign security.
  8. Estimated U.S. portfolio acquisitions of foreign stocks through stock swaps.


========END: How this webpage looked before March 31, 2023, when Form S data were used (data ends at January 2023).========


  1. (03-31-2023) Notice: Templates of new data files to be released on April 17, 2023 with data for February 2023, appear today on the Securities (A) and Securities (B) webpages. As explained in the notice dated 3-15-2023 (below), the changes are a result of new data from the expanded Form SLT and the discontinuation of the Form S reports. These reporting changes create a series break at February 2023 for all data on cross-border purchases and sales of long-term securities. On the TIC Securities (A) and (B) webpages, the files that used Form S data will be shown separately and designated as “S-form-based data files” ending with data for January 2023. Certain S-form-based files showing data for particular countries or instruments will remain on the website until at least mid-July 2023 before they may be removed. The new files will continue to show all available released monthly data on transactions in long-term securities.   
    The details provided here are in addition to the information in the notice dated 3-15-2023 (below). There are four new files (named “slt_table#”), with each “table” covering different types of Form SLT data. The tables will eventually include data on valuation changes in the relevant columns, but those data are not being released yet so the columns simply show n.a. The new files are formatted in html and tab-delimited-text (txt) formats. While the csv format will not be provided, files in the two formats can be easily loaded into a spreadsheet program.   
    The "slt_table1.html" (and "slt_table1.txt") file covers data on foreign holdings and net U.S. sales of U.S. long-term securities. It replaces several old files: slt1d, slt1d_globl, slt2d, slt2d_history.   
    The "slt_table2.html" (and "slt_table2.txt") file covers data on U.S. holdings and net U.S. purchases of foreign long-term securities. It replaces several old files: slt1f, slt1f_globl, slt2f, slt2f_history, netfsec. Note that the new data on purchases and sales of foreign securities show the country that issued the securities, in contrast to the previous data that showed the country doing the transactions with the U.S.   
    The "slt_table3.html" (and "slt_table3.txt") file covers data on foreign holdings and net U.S. sales of U.S. Treasury securities. It replaces old files: slt3d, slt3d_globl, tressect.   
    The "slt_table4.html" (and "slt_table4.txt") file covers data on U.S. sales and purchases of long-term U.S. and foreign securities by type. It replaces old files: snetus, snetusq, snetfor, snetforq, us_abs_net, frgn_abs_net, agnsect, corpsect, sktsect, s1_99996, s1_globl, s1_europ, s1_asia, s1_latam, s1_other.   
    The file “absdata.txt” is dropped because its estimates of unrecorded principal repayments to foreigners on domestic corporate and agency asset-backed securities (ABS) are no longer needed. The S-form data did not collect data on these monthly and quarterly repayments, whereas the expanded SLT form now collects those repayments.   
  2. (03-15-2023) Notice: The April 17 Release will begin new data on cross-border transactions in long-term securities (line 2.a above). The changes are related to the discontinuation of TIC Form S, “Purchases and Sales of Long-Term Securities by Foreign-Residents,” and the beginning of the revised and expanded TIC Form SLT, “Aggregate Holdings, Purchases and Sales, and Fair Value Changes of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents.”   
    There will be several important changes in the data. The new SLT-based data will be presented from the U.S. point of view, not from the foreign point of view of the S data. Thus “net purchases by foreign residents” will become “net sales by U.S. residents” beginning April 17. In addition, there will be an important change in the data on foreign securities -- U.S. purchases and sales of foreign securities for a given country will refer to securities issued by that country, in contrast to the current breakdown showing the amounts of all foreign securities bought and sold in each country, regardless of the country of issuance. Finally, at an undetermined future date when data quality permits, new data are expected on monthly changes in valuation in long-term securities arising from changes in prices.   
    The website has long published “global” files showing data for all available countries and all available dates for particular types of data. Beginning with the April 17 release, the website will cease showing individual country files for that data, which simply repeat data in the global files. The individual country files released today, showing data as-of January 2023, will not be updated again and will be removed from the website with the release on June 15, 2023. The website will continue to publish the global files.   
    TIC reporting and file formats on banking claims and liabilities, derivatives, and claims and liabilities of nonfinancial firms remain unchanged.   
  3. The ABS data in section B above are part of Grand Total transactions; have no country breakdown; do not include periodic repayments; and began in March 2009. The net ABS figures are also shown in section A above, on the "of which" line under "Grand Total" near the bottom of the table.   
  4. (7-12-2018) Two aggregates that were shown in previous Transactions in Long-Term Securities tables were discontinued after 2014, and the covered countries are now included separately in the country data. The aggregates were: Asia Oil Exporting Countries (Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates); and Africa Oil Exporting Countries (Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria). The new table on line C.8 has the effect of moving the discontinuation date back to 2003 from 2014; it is a one-time table providing historical data, and is not updated.   
  5. (5-25-2022) Errors made in May 2022 in the production of data files resulted in some incorrect figures in the table shown in the May 16, 2022 press release. In particular this affected the first and third columns in the table showing figures for "2020" and for the "12 months through March 2021". (For example, line 3 under "2020" in the table is revised to $142.3 billion from $216.8 billion; and line 16 under "2020" is revised to $362.3 billion from $724.6 billion.) The press release text and other figures in the press release table were not affected.   
  6. Quarterly and monthly data are also available in Section IV of the "Capital Movements" tables in the December 2013 and earlier issues of the Treasury Bulletin.