DATE: January 17, 2018
ADMINISTRATIVE EDIT: September 19, 2022
SUBJECT: Acquisition, Utilization, Management and Disposal of Treasury Real Property Assets
- PURPOSE. This Directive establishes policy and responsibility for the acquisition, utilization, management, and disposal of Treasury real property assets. The Department is also issuing Treasury Directive Publication (TD P) 72-02, "Treasury Workspace Standards," which provides Department-wide guidance for establishing a more efficient use of real property assets while also providing a work environment that promotes a productive atmosphere for Treasury employees to successfully fulfill their work missions.
- SCOPE. This Directive applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Department of the Treasury, including the Offices of the Inspector General. The provisions of this Directive shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Offices of Inspector General.
- POLICY. It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury that:
- Real property and interests therein shall be acquired in accordance with applicable authorities, only as necessary and no longer than necessary, to carry out effective mission and program operations. Determination considerations are provided in TD P 72-02.
- Real property identified as not needed shall be promptly reported and released in accordance with the policies established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the General Services Administration (GSA), in TD P 72-02; and
- Management of Treasury real property shall be consistent with Executive Order (EO) 13327 (Federal Real Property Management), the Federal Management Regulations (FMR), General Services Administration (GSA) requirements, Guiding Principles for Asset Management established by the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC), and the Department’s Real Property Capital Plan.
- DEFINITIONS. See TD P 72-02 for details.
- The Assistant Secretary for Management (ASM) has delegated to Bureau Heads the authority and responsibility for acquisition, utilization, management, and disposal of Treasury real property.
- The ASM has delegated to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Treasury Operations the role of Senior Real Property Officer (SRPO) for the Department of the Treasury.
- The Assistant Secretary for Management (ASM) has Department wide responsibility for acquisition, utilization, management, and disposal of Treasury real property consistent with authority delegated to the ASM under Treasury Order 101-05, including approval of bureau proposals to acquire an ownership interest in or to dispose of Treasury-owned real property, re-delegation of GSA Delegations of Authority and making, to the extent permitted by law, any determinations and findings required by statute or regulation to be made by the Head of the Agency with respect to real property matters. Reference TD P 72-02 for further details on the ASM responsibilities.
- Heads of Bureaus, (the ASM serving as the bureau head for Departmental Offices), and the offices of inspectors general within the Department, shall, with respect to those bureaus and offices which they supervise, exercise leadership to assure that acquisition, utilization, management, and disposition of real property conform to GSA, OMB and Departmental policies and requirements. Reference TD P 72-02 for further details on the Heads of Bureaus responsibilities.
- Senior Real Property Officer (SRPO) shall be responsible, on an ongoing basis, for monitoring to ensure that real property assets are managed consistent with GSA and FRPC guidance. The SRPO shall also perform responsibilities set forth by EO 13327. The SRPO also serves as the chair of the Treasury Operations Executive Council (Executive Council). The Executive Council works to assist with policy development, oversees Bureau’s implementation of federal real property policies and this Directive, and works to resolve Department-wide related policy concerns and enhance performance of Treasury facilities. Reference TD P 72-02 for further details on the SRPO responsibilities.
- Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 41 USC 251 et seq.
- 41 Code of Federal Regulations (Public Contracts and Property Management), Chapter 101 (Federal Property Management Regulations) and Chapter 102 (Federal Management Regulations), parts 71 through 85.
- EO 12411, Government Work Space Management Reforms, dated March 29, 1983.
- EO 10272, Federal Space Management, dated August 16, 1978.
- EO 13006, Locating Federal Facilities on Historic Properties in Our Nations Central Cities, dated May 21, 1996.
- EO 13327, Federal Real Property Asset Management, dated February 4, 2004.
- OMB Memorandum M-22-14, FY 2024 Agency-wide Capital Planning to Support the Future of Work, dated July 20, 2022
- GSA FMR Bulletin C-2, Delegation of Lease Acquisition Authority--Notification, Usage, and Reporting Requirements for General Purpose, Categorical, and Special Purpose Space Delegations, effective April 14, 2014.
- GSA FMR Bulletin 2008-B5, Real Property Asset Management Guiding Principles, effective August 8, 2008.
- CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 72-02, "Acquisition, Utilization, and Disposal of Treasury Real Property," dated September 24, 2009, is superseded.
- OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Treasury Operations and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management, and Department of the Treasury Bureaus.