Click links below for program resources.
Modification of Contract for CARES Act Implementation Support Services
Modification of Contract for CARES Act Implementation Support Services
Notice to Proceed for Budget Advisory Services on Payroll Support Program under the CARES Act
List of Government Officials (May 2020)
Contract for CARES Act Implementation Support Services
Under the Geospatial Data Act (GDA) of 2018, Treasury, as a covered agency, is required to publish a Geospatial Data Strategic Plan. The GDA defines geospatial data as information that is tied to a location on the Earth, including by identifying the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth, and that is generally represented in vector datasets by points, lines, polygons, or other complex geographic features or phenomena. This plan will follow the framework and strategy set forth by the Treasury Data Framework (TDF).
For more information, please see Treasury-Geospatial Data Strategy.
Legal Services Agreement Under Section 4003 of the CARES Act