As of September 30, 2023, all TARP programs have closed. The Treasury Department was committed to providing comprehensive information about the operations and status of TARP programs. This included detailed information on how TARP money was spent, who received it and on what terms, and how much was recovered. Treasury issues a number of reports related to TARP on different schedules. In this section you will find links to the most frequently-requested reports. Archived reports can also be reviewed or downloaded here.
TARP Reports
All Reports by Frequency
- Dividends and Interest Reports
- HAMP Activity by Metropolitan Statistical Area
- HAMP Application Activity by Servicer
- Making Home Affordable Data File
- Monthly Housing Scorecard
- Monthly Report to Congress
- Monthly TARP Update
- Hardest Hit Fund Performance Summary
- Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Aggregate Report
- Making Home Affordable Program Performance Report
- OFS Quarterly Administrative Activity Report
- Public Private Investment Program Quarterly Report
As Indicated