Consumer Policy

The Office of Consumer Policy leads the Treasury Department’s work to advance financial well-being for American consumers and households by promoting financial inclusion and education, consumer protection, and equitable and safe access to credit and asset-building opportunities. The office produces policy analysis on developments in financial services including emerging products and services provided by bank and non-bank institutions, payments, consumer and small business credit, financial technology, and related topics.

OCP coordinates the interagency Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC) on behalf of the Treasury Secretary, who by statute chairs the Commission.

Climate Change and Household Finance

U.S Department of the Treasury prepared a report in consultation with members of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, entitled The Impact of Climate Change on American Household Finances. 

The report is a unique resource for policymakers and consumers that provides a framework for evaluating the impacts of climate change on household finances and recommends steps to build capacity to prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate-related shocks and stresses. The report also includes a catalog of specific consumer resources, including educational resources to promote awareness about the steps households can take to prepare for and adapt to climate hazards.

The report identifies certain populations and places that face exacerbated financial harm due to their vulnerability and exposure to extreme weather events and conditions.  Though many households are impacted by climate hazards, certain households are particularly susceptible to experiencing financial strain.  For example, outdoor workers face income loss due to adverse climate conditions, single-parent households led by women face reduced child care availability, and lower-income households face reduced access to credit. This report, released within the broader context of the Biden-Harris Administration’s government-wide agenda to address the challenges presented by climate change to household finances, offers both consumers and policymakers strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate hazards faced by communities.

View a fact sheet on the report.

View the report.

Financial Literacy and Education

The Office coordinates the Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC) for the Secretary of the Treasury, who is the Chair of the FLEC.

U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission Annual Report to Congress FY 2023 – FY 2024 This report, also known as the Strategy for Assuring Financial Empowerment (SAFE) Report, highlights the relevant activities of the agencies represented on the FLEC to advance financial literacy and education in FY 2023 and FY 2024.  Continuing its strategic focus to coordinate, support, and encourage federal government efforts to improve financial literacy and education, the FLEC is committed to serving as a partner in public and private sector efforts to improve Americans’ financial knowledge, skills, and decision-making and empower Americans to use these abilities to enhance their financial well-being. 


The latest public meeting of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC) was held on November 14, 2024, from 12:45 PM – 2:30 PM Eastern Time. 

Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen chaired the meeting and was joined by Rohit Chopra, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, who serves as Vice Chair of the FLEC.

The meeting featured a presentation and panel discussion on Treasury’s National Strategy for Financial Inclusion in the United States.


Meeting Recording



The office prepared the report Federal Financial Literacy Reform: Coordinating and Improving Financial Literacy Efforts. The report highlights the importance of financial literacy and education for all Americans and identifies ways to improve the delivery of financial education. The report recommends actions to enhance the federal government’s investments in financial education through better coordination, prioritization, and partnership with the private sector and state, tribal and local governments.

The Financial Literacy and Education Commission issued a new National Strategy for Financial Literacy 2020.The National Strategy details the federal government’s financial literacy priorities to empower consumers to make independent financial decisions and build financial resilience. The National Strategy lays the foundation for coordination efforts between member agencies and between the public and private sector to meet these objectives.

Financial Security

This office provides leadership and policy development and analysis for empowering individual financial security and wealth building. Current topics include financial capability, saving and investing, access to consumer credit, innovation in financial services and student lending.  



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