Management is responsible for the internal management and policy of the Department in the areas of budget, planning, human resources, information and technology management, financial management and accounting, procurement, privacy, records, and administrative services to Departmental (Headquarters) Offices
Assistant Secretary for Management, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Performance Officer
The Assistant Secretary for Management, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Performance Officer (ASM/CFO/CPO) is the principal policy advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary on the development and execution of the budget for the Department of the Treasury and the internal management of the Department and its bureaus. The ASM/CFO/CPO also oversees Department-wide management programs including human resources, information and technology management, financial management and accounting, strategic planning, performance budgeting/metrics, acquisition/procurement, training, human capital and workforce management, equal employment opportunity, environmental health and safety, emergency preparedness, small business programs, and administrative services for the Departmental Offices.
The Office of the Procurement Executive advances adaptive practices in leading the Treasury acquisition, contracting, and suspension and debarment programs. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition is delegated full procurement authority for the Department and further delegates certain authority to bureau procurement offices. OPE has Department-wide responsibility for maintenance and oversight of the Treasury procurement system, including operational matters, continuous improvement, acquisition career management, e-Government, evaluation and monitoring, and procurement and non-procurement suspension and debarment.
Strategic Planning and Performance Improvement
The Office of Strategic Planning and Performance Improvement (OSPPI) builds department-wide management capabilities by leading organizational performance processes (including strategic planning, enterprise risk management, and data-driven organizational performance reviews), setting program management policy, promoting the use of evidence and data for informed decision-making, providing internal consulting services, and building capability in continuous process improvement. OSPPI partners with colleagues throughout the Department to provide customized assistance on key initiatives, offering an unbiased perspective and cross-cutting outlook that helps bureaus and policy offices address strategic and operational challenges.
Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization assists, counsels, and advises small businesses of all types on procedures for contracting with Treasury.
Chief Information Officer
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provides leadership to the Department and its Bureaus in all areas of information and technology management. OCIO supports Treasury's Mission by implementing strategies that improve the efficiency and performance of Treasury information technology (IT) systems and business processes. OCIO has Department-wide responsibility for the direction and development of Treasury’s IT strategy, management of IT investments, and leadership of key technology initiatives.
Management and Budget
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget (DASMB) analyzes resource requests and allocations, as well as budget execution. This responsibility includes making recommendations to departmental offices and bureaus on budget priorities and strategies. The DASMB prepares and coordinates the annual budget submission for the Department to OMB, and works with OMB on the Department’s portion of the President’s Budget. The office also formulates, manages, and directs the budget process for Departmental Offices.
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
The mission of the Office of the Deputy Chief Financial Officer (ODCFO) is to continuously improve and innovate Treasury’s comprehensive financial management and operational decision-making through competencies in governmental accounting, auditing, financial reporting, financial analysis, internal controls, financial systems, and governance and standard setting.
Privacy, Transparency, and Records
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Privacy, Transparency, and Records oversees the protection, access, and disclosure of Treasury's information assets and the assurance that information the Department collects is being maintained within all legal requirements.
treasury Operations
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Departmental Offices Operations has responsibility for providing management and administrative support for the offices and employees in the Department’s headquarters offices (Departmental Offices). The office oversees the Department’s headquarters facilities, as well as offices which provide various support functions in the areas of renovations, travel, historical preservation and curatorial services, telephone operator services, special events, food services, asset management, safety/health/environmental compliance, and printing and graphics.
Human Resources/Chief human capital Officer
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Chief Human Capital Officer (DASHR/CHCO) is responsible for Department-wide policy and oversight in all areas of human capital management, including employment and staffing, compensation, benefits, executive resources, succession planning, labor and employee relations, workforce development, performance management, diversity management, equal employment opportunity and other human capital functions. The Office also provides for the full range of human resource services to support operations of Departmental Offices. The DASHR/CHCO represents the Treasury Department on several government-wide councils, including the OPM Chief Human Capital Officers’ (CHCO) Council and the Intelligence Community CHCO Council, chairs the Department’s Human Capital Advisory Council and is a member of the Treasury Human Capital Board. The Office is also the business owner of HR Connect, the Department’s automated human capital management system as well as an OMB approved HR Line of Business.
Office of the Chief Data Officer
The Office of the Chief Data Officer leads efforts to enhance responsible data sharing, use, and accessibility across Treasury and with other federal agencies, ensuring high-quality data management and governance. The CDO works to improve data literacy, drive innovation in analytics capabilities, and strengthen data infrastructure across Treasury. The CDO also serves as the executive sponsor of the Treasury Enterprise Data Council, which guides data policy and practices across all Treasury Bureaus.