DATE: February 11, 2000


ADMINISTRATIVE EDIT: February 23, 2017

SUBJECT: Printing and Publishing Management Program

  1. PURPOSE. This Directive sets policies and defines responsibilities for meeting the printing and publishing requirements of the Department. This Directive also authorizes the issuance of Treasury Directive Publication (TD P) 78-01, "Guide to Communications and Document Services and Standards."
  2. SCOPE. This Directive applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Department of the Treasury, including the Offices of the Inspector General within the Department. The provisions of this Directive shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Offices of Inspector General.
  3. POLICY. It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury that all printing required in support of the mission and programs of the Department shall be produced or procured in accordance with the provisions of Title 44, United States Code (USC), Government Printing and Binding Regulations of the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing (JCP), and instructions of Office of Management and Budget (OMB), including Circular A-130 and related OMB issuances.
    1. Assistant Secretary for Management (ASM) is responsible for the oversight of the Treasury printing policy and its implementation.
    2. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Treasury Operations, Heads of Bureaus and Offices, and the Inspectors General, as it relates to their respective bureaus and offices, shall:
      1. 1) designate an official to serve as the printing management officer, or printing management contact, for their respective bureaus or offices who will be responsible for the management of the bureau's or office's printing program. (Depending on bureau or office requirements in this program, one or more individuals may be designated.);
      2. 2) operate a program to:
        1. a) identify effectively the printing requirements of bureau or office components;
        2. b) analyze the identified requirements;
        3. c) evaluate alternatives available to meet the requirements;
        4. d) obtain appropriate approvals to print;
        5. e) prepare requisitions;
        6. f) obtain funding approvals;
        7. g) submit requisitions to Communications and Document Services (CDS) (a branch in Support Services Division of Treasury Operations) for production or procurement of the printing needs;
        8. h) adhere to the provisions of Executive Order 12873 that require use of recycled content printing and copier papers;
        9. i) comply with Treasury Department guidance on stationery standards and use of the Treasury Seal (Treasury Order 100-01 and Treasury Directive 73-04);
      3. 3) obtain printing services through Treasury Operations, except in cases where specific legislation authorizes the use of alternative methods or the bureau or office head has been delegated authority to obtain printing in an alternative manner;
      4. 4) ensure that procurement officials in DO and the bureaus and offices establish controls to ensure compliance with printing laws and regulations; and
      5. 5) facilitate cooperation between officials responsible for printing management, publishing management, and information resources management to ensure that the electronic publishing activities are efficiently carried out.
    3. The branch head of Communications and Document Services (CDS) shall:
      1. 1) ensure a Treasury Central Printing and Publications Management Official (CPPMO) is designated in accordance with the regulations of the Congressional JCP;
      2. 2) represent the Department in discussions with the JCP and the Government Publishing Office (GPO) on issues pertaining to printing and distribution of printed matters; and
      3. 3) provide a full range of printing services to DO and the bureaus and offices, including in-house printing and duplicating, printing procurement and graphic design services.
  5. PRINTING PROCUREMENT REQUIREMENTS.  44 USC 501. This section states: "[a]ll printing, binding, and blank-book work for Congress, the Executive Office, the Judiciary, other than the Supreme Court of the United States, and every executive department, independent office and establishment of the Government, shall be done at the [GPO], except: classes of work the [JCP] considers to be urgent or necessary to have done elsewhere; and printing in field printing plants operated by an executive department, independent office or establishment, and the procurement of printing by an executive department, independent office or establishment from allotments for contract field printing, if approved by the [JCP]."
    1. Specific Requirements. In addition to the above, bureaus and offices shall adhere to the specific guidelines itemized below:
      1. 1) Mandatory use of recycled paper, as specified in Executive Order 12873. Note: GPO printing contracts, with very few exceptions, require use of papers that meet the recycled content standards of the Executive Order.
      2. 2) Mandatory adherence to JCP regulations on the printing of annual reports, as noted in the JCP letter to Agencies and Departments dated February 1990.
    2. Waivers. Any individual exceptions to the requirement to procure printing services through the GPO must be approved by the Director, Support Services. Written requests with appropriate justification for exceptions should be submitted by either the bureau or office head or the bureau printing management officer thru the head of CDS for approval by the Director, Support Services. When appropriate, the Director, Support Services, will submit requests to the JCP for a waiver from the requirement to procure through GPO.
    1. Approval of Bureau Facilities. To ensure the successful management of in-house printing and duplicating operations and to avoid a proliferation of these facilities, the operation of all staffed digital print centers must be approved by the Assistant Secretary for Management. An approved facility will receive a charter number and must comply with all reporting requirements established in this Directive and by the Director, Support Services. The following facilities designated by a charter number are currently approved for operation:
      101 Departmental Digital Print Center
      207 Fiscal Service Duplicating Facility, Parkersburg, WV
    2. Requests for Approval. Bureau or office heads should submit written requests with justification to operate additional staffed digital print centers to the Assistant Secretary for Management.
    3. Acquisitions of Equipment. All acquisitions of printing equipment, as defined in the Government Printing Regulations (this includes high-end copier-duplicators and multifunction devices (MFDs)) must be approved by the Director, Support Services prior to acquisition.
    1. OMB Circular A-130 notes that a free flow of information between the Government and the public is essential to a democratic society. It requires agencies to maintain a management system for all information dissemination products. Accordingly, bureaus and offices are required to:
      1. 1) Assure that information dissemination products are necessary for the proper performance of agency functions (44 U.S.C. 1108).
      2. 2) Ensure that government publications are made available to depository libraries through the facilities of the Government Publishing Office, as required by law (44 USC Part 19). Government publication is defined as: "informational matter which is published as an individual document at Government expense, or as required by law."
      3. 3) Provide electronic information dissemination products to the Government Publishing Office for distribution to depository libraries.
    2. Bureau or office heads must:
      1. 1) establish procedures to assure compliance with OMB Circular A-130. Responsibilities are generally split between printing/publishing managers and CIO's (information resources management/telecommunications managers). Bureau and office heads should ensure that there is appropriate cooperation among these various functional activities; and
      2. 2) ensure compliance with the Joint Committee on Printing reporting requirements described in paragraph 9 of this Directive. Bureau responses will be incorporated into a Departmental response by Treasury Operations’ Support Services Division.
    3. Bureaus and offices are encouraged to:
      1. 1) employ appropriate industry standards which offer the opportunity for more effective publishing processes and/or productivity gains. For example, Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML), in some instances, provides a vehicle to automate the preparation of unique publications for various media (e.g. IRS tax publications), and familiarity with U.S. Postal Service mail processing standards provides opportunity to speed delivery, lower cost, and/or minimize undeliverable mail.
      2. 2) maintain familiarity with the service offerings of Treasury Operations’ CDS, the Government Publishing Office, the General Services Administration and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) in order to select an appropriate array of service providers to: maximize service; minimize cost (both product cost and administrative cost); and minimize duplication of effort for publishing and information dissemination processes. Bureaus and offices are advised to consult with the CDS staff on questions concerning appropriate strategies and service providers.
    1. A full range of in-house printing and graphics services are available, as well as printing procurement services. For more information about available services see TD Publication 78-01.
    2. To obtain any available in-house services, requesting offices should submit Treasury Departmental Form (TD F) 70-05.1, "Graphics, Printing or Reproduction Order." The requisition should include the required delivery date and all pertinent production information and must be signed by an official(s) authorized to approve the printing of the information and verify that it is "mission essential."
    3. When CDS arranges to use the services of GPO (or contracts for commercial printing services through GPO) the requesting bureau or offices will be directly billed by GPO.
    1. Printing Management Reports. The following reports shall be submitted to the Director, Support Services thru CDS.
      Report Bureaus Due Date
      JCP-Mandated Annual Printing Program Plan All January 15
      JCP Form No. 1, "Printing Plant Report" DO and IRS November 20
      JCP Form No. 2, "Commercial Printing Report" All May 31 & Nov 20
      JCP Form No. 5, "Annual Plant Inventory" DO and IRS November 20
      Note: Commercial Printing Reports are to cover the first half and second half of each fiscal year and itemize direct procurements from commercial sources exceeding $500. Such procurements should be rare, since current statute authorizes them only under GPO or JCP approved waivers. Negative reports are not required.
    2. Printing Management Record Keeping. Bureaus and offices shall adhere to the record keeping requirements of General Records Schedule 13, "Printing, Binding, Duplication, and Distribution Records." CDS will maintain the required files for DO printing requirements and required procurement record files for bureau/office records management purposes.
  10. CREDIT CARD LIMITATIONS. Government credit cards cannot be used to obtain printing and duplicating services, except for authorized purchases from GPO or purchases covered by waiver.
    1. Title 44, United States Code.
    2. Government Printing and Binding Regulations of the Congressional Joint Committee on Printing.
    3. OMB Circular A-130, "Management of Federal Information Resources."
  12. CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 78-01, "Printing and Publishing Management Program," dated February 11, 2000 is superseded.
  13. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Communications and Document Services, Support Services Division, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Treasury Operations, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management.


Lisa Ross
Assistant Secretary for
Management and Chief Financial Officer