DATE: June 8, 2010

SUBJECT: Radio Frequency Management

  1. PURPOSE. This Directive sets forth policy for radio frequency management within the Department of the Treasury. It also authorizes Treasury Directive Publication (TD P) 86-02, Radio Frequency Management Procedures.
  2. SCOPE. This Directive applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Department of the Treasury, including the offices of inspectors general within the Department. The provisions of this Directive shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Departments inspectors general.
  3. POLICY. It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury that:
    1. The electromagnetic spectrum be recognized as a limited natural resource that should be used efficiently (e.g. through the use of shared frequencies and interoperable equipment within communities of interest, when possible);
    2. Any use of the radio frequency spectrum allocated to the Federal Government shall be in accordance with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Manual and each frequency must be authorized/licensed by NTIA;
    3. Requirements for radio frequencies shall be justified prior to the assignment or use of such frequencies, except during emergencies (Section 2.3.6, NTIA Manual);
    4. Funds shall not be obligated for the development or procurement of equipment that uses the radio frequency spectrum until certification is obtained from the NTIA that the spectrum required could be made available (Section 33.4, OMB Circular A-11);
    5. Any use of non-federal government public safety radio services (PSRS) frequencies for cooperative law enforcement, or other liaison activities, shall be in accordance with sections 7.8 and 8.3.3 of the NTIA Manual and;
    6. Spectrum-dependent devices shall not be used outside of the United States and Possessions without prior authorization from the national spectrum regulatory body.
    1. The Wireless Programs Office (WPO), Office of the Chief Information Officer, will:
      1. 1) formulate and implement policies, standards, and procedures for Department radio communications systems and spectrum management;
      2. 2) represent the department on the Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), its Subcommittees, and related Ad Hoc groups;
      3. 3) serve as the Departments representative to the NTIA, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and other federal groups concerned with radio communication and spectrum management issues;
      4. 4) coordinate with and submit all requests for frequency assignments to the NTIA and applicable national level Federal agencies as necessary;
      5. 5) ensure all frequency assignments are in compliance with national radio frequency policies and the NTIA Manual;
      6. 6) notify bureaus on a semi-annual basis of the frequency assignments that require review in accordance with Section 8.2.6 and Annex F, NTIA Manual;
      7. 7) coordinate, through the U.S. Department of State, with the spectrum regulatory bodies of foreign governments for Treasurys use of spectrum-dependent systems in foreign countries; and
      8. 8) investigate and resolve incidents of electromagnetic interference from Treasury systems to other systems or received from other systems to Treasury systems.
    2. Bureaus shall:
      1. 1) designate a primary and an alternate Frequency Liaison to coordinate with the WPO;
      2. 2) issue the necessary guidance to meet the provisions of this Directive;
      3. 3) submit information pertaining to frequency applications, or modifications of existing assignments, as specified in Chapter 9 of the NTIA Manual, to the WPO;
      4. 4) review and update radio frequency authorizations for those systems that have not been reviewed in a 5-year period in accordance with Section 8.2.6 and Annex F of the NTIA Manual. Authority to operate radio stations is subject to withdrawal if the assignments are not reviewed at least every 5 years;
      5. 5) report incidents of electromagnetic interference to the WPO; and
      6. 6) respond to Departmental inquiries concerning impact of losing spectrum, costs for shifting to another frequency band; transition plans for changing frequencies; or other such inquiries as required by the WPO to respond to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), OMB, Congress or other entities.
    1. 47 USC 151 et seq., The Communications Act of 1934, as amended.
    2. 47 CFR Part 90, Private Land Mobile Services, Subpart B, Public Safety Radio Pool.
    3. 47 CFR Part 95, Personal Radio Services, Subpart B, Family Radio Services.
    4. 47 CFR Part 25, Satellite Communication.
    1. Executive Order 12046, Relating to the Transfer of Telecommunications Functions, dated March 27, 1978.
    2. NTIA Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, as amended, which prescribes policies, standards, and procedures for federal radio frequency management.
    3. OMB Circular A-11 (Revised), Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates.
  7. CANCELLATION. TD 86-02, "Radio Frequency Management," dated November 15, 2001, is superseded.
  8. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Wireless Programs Office, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Information Systems) and Chief Information Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.


Dan Tangherlini
Assistant Secretary for Management
and Chief Financial Officer