DATE: December 16, 2024
SUBJECT: Treasury Security Functions and Programs
- PURPOSE. This Directive redelegates authorities assigned to the Assistant Secretary (A/S) for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (OIA), designates the Department of the Treasury Cognizant Security Authority (CSA), authorizes publication of Treasury Directive Publication (TD P) 15-71, “Treasury Security Manual,” and assigns responsibilities for personnel vetting, and personnel, information, physical, and industrial security programs.
- SCOPE. This Directive applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Treasury, including the Office of Inspectors General. The provisions of this Directive shall not be construed to impede or interfere with the authorities of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or the authorities of the Department’s Inspectors General.
- Treasury office and bureau personnel vetting programs shall comply with national level policies and procedures governing vetting (“vetting” is defined in Section 1.3.(q) of Executive Order 13467, “Reforming Processes Related to Suitability for Government Employment, Fitness for Contractor Employees, and Eligibility for Access to Classified National Security Information” (July 2, 2008), as amended).
- Classified national security information (CNSI), including SCI, must be protected from unauthorized disclosure to protect people, mission, capabilities, and information.
- Treasury facilities, property, and personnel must be protected, and applicable laws and regulations must be enforced.
- Offices and bureaus will retain security cognizance over CNSI under their jurisdiction and over contractor operations and contractor-owned information technology (IT) used within Treasury facilities.
- The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security and Counterintelligence (DAS S&CI) is delegated by the A/S OIA to conduct the following activities:
- 1) Establish policy and oversee program implementation of Treasury’s personnel vetting, personnel security, information security, physical security, and industrial security programs.
- 2) Serve as the principal advisor to the Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (U/S TFI), the A/S OIA, and other senior officials on matters related to security functions and programs.
- 3) Represent Treasury on interagency committees, including serving as the liaison to other federal agencies concerning security matters. This authority may be delegated.
- 4) Appoint members of any appeal panels for any security function and convene the panels as required. This authority may be delegated.
- 5) Designated as the Department’s CSA in accordance with Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 700, “Protection of National Intelligence” (June 7, 2012). The CSA acts as the IC element authority for all aspects of security program management for the protection of national intelligence and intelligence sources, methods, and activities. CSA authority may not be delegated, but the CSA may formally delegate responsibility for certain security matters as needed.
- The Executive Director, Office of Security Programs (Executive Dir. OSP) is delegated by the A/S OIA the authority to conduct the following activities. Unless otherwise stated, these authorities may not be delegated:
- 1) Develop, publish, and maintain TD P 15-71, and any implementing publication, to standardize the implementation and evaluation of the personnel vetting, personnel security, information security, physical security, and industrial security programs.
- 2) Serve as the principal advisor to the DAS S&CI and other senior officials on matters related to security functions and programs.
- 3) Serve as the Accrediting Official (AO) for the construction, accreditation, re-accreditation, de-accreditation, and oversight of Treasury sensitive compartmented information facilities (SCIF). This authority may be further delegated with the approval of the CSA.
- 4) Appointed as the Designated Official responsible for physical security, safety, and emergency management.
- 5) Grant sensitive compartmented information (SCI) access by Treasury employees to SCI generated within the Department or to SCI provided to the Department by other executive branch agencies. This authority may be delegated.
6) Make initial and follow-on personnel vetting determinations for eligibility to access CNSI, eligibility to occupy a sensitive position, suitability or fitness for employment, and authorization for federal credentials for the following positions:
- a) Presidential appointees;
- b) Heads of Bureaus and their first deputies;
- c) Security officials;
- d) Officials with delegated authority to make personnel vetting determinations for Treasury personnel; and
- e) Departmental Offices personnel.
This authority may be delegated. The authority to make a suitability determination does not encompass the authority to take a suitability action pursuant to 5 C.F.R. 731, which authority resides with the applicable office or bureau human capital office.
- 7) Serve as the Treasury liaison to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) and oversee the Department’s compliance with National Industrial Security Policy (NISP) requirements. This authority may be delegated.
- 8) Coordinate with the Department of Energy (DOE) on all matters pertaining to access to information designated "Restricted Data" or "Formerly Restricted Data" pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
- 9) Develop and compile periodic reports on security programs as required by law, executive order, or national level policy and submit to the applicable oversight authorities.
- Heads of Bureaus shall:
- 1) Maintain responsibility for the overall management, function, and effectiveness of the personnel vetting, and personnel, information, physical, and industrial security programs within their respective bureaus and ensure the necessary resources are committed for effective implementation.
- 2) Appoint a senior security official, in writing, who will direct and administer bureau security programs in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in TD P 15-71, “Treasury Security Manual,” or as directed by the DAS S&CI through the Executive Dir., OSP.
- 3) Ensure bureau security officials at the appropriate level maintain liaison with the Executive Dir., OSP and OSP security support staff to facilitate sufficient oversight and compliance with Treasury security programs.
- 4) As directed by the Executive Dir., OSP and in accordance with the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, ensure OSP has access to information within a bureau’s area of administrative control necessary to fulfill responsibilities set forth in paragraphs 4.a. and b., above.
- The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security and Counterintelligence (DAS S&CI) is delegated by the A/S OIA to conduct the following activities:
- IMPLEMENTATION. The Department’s security policies, procedures, minimum requirements, and standards shall be codified in TD P 15-71, which shall be binding on all Treasury offices and bureaus. Office and bureaus are not precluded from adopting more stringent internal policies, procedures, requirements, or standards where necessary to accomplish their mission, so long as they are consistent with those in TD P 15-71 and applicable law and national policy, and are published in a written internal policy which shall be reviewed by the Executive Dir., OSP prior to publication. Any requests for revisions to TD P 15-71 shall be in writing and shall be routed through the appropriate bureau security office for formal coordination with OSP.
- 31 U.S.C. § 312(a)(4)
- Intelligence Community Directive 700, “Protection of National Intelligence” (June 7, 2012)
- Treasury Order 102-17, “Delegation of Authority Concerning the Personnel Security Program” (April 1, 2020)
- Treasury Order 102-20, “Delegation of Authorities Concerning the Information Security Program” (September 29, 2020)
- Treasury Order 105-21, “Delegation of Authority Concerning the Industrial Security Program and Representation at the Interagency Security Committee” (October 18, 2021)
- CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 15-71, “Treasury Security Functions and Programs,” dated June 30, 2023, is superseded.
OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis.