Press Releases

Uday Saddam Hussein’s Inner Circle Designated by Treasury U.S. Submitting Names to U.N. 1518 Committee for Member State Freeze

(Archived Content)




The U.S. Department of the Treasury today designated a group of six individuals and two associated companies that acted for or on behalf of Uday Saddam Hussein.  Today's action is the third tranche of designations against the former Iraqi regime in recent weeks.  The Treasury Department has now identified or designated 228 Iraqi-related entities and individuals, comprised of 191 parastatals, 27 individuals and 10 front companies. 

The U.S. will not tire in exposing the sordid underworld of the Hussein family's finances – including the agents of the regime who greased the wheels that allowed the regime's plunder, said Juan Zarate, the Treasury Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes.
Like father, like son.  Uday, Saddam Hussein's eldest son and commander of the paramilitary Fedayeen Saddam (`Men of Sacrifice'), presided over an illicit commercial empire founded on a variety of smuggling, racketeering and embezzlement schemes that facilitated him to use his position of power and privilege to profit himself and his cronies on the backs of the Iraqi people, Zarate continued.

Information available to the U.S. government indicates that these individuals served as key financial lieutenants to Uday and were responsible for the day-to-day operation of many of his businesses.  Several of these individuals also held senior positions in the Uday-controlled Iraqi Olympic Committee which, under the former Iraqi regime, allegedly acted as a front for a variety of smuggling activities in violation of United Nations (U.N.) sanctions.  One of the designated individuals served as director of the two companies being designated today, both which managed many of Uday's illegal enterprises. 

Today's action is taken pursuant to Executive Order 13315 which blocks property and interests in property of the former Iraqi regime that comes within the possession or control of U.S. persons.  The United States is also submitting the names of these individuals and associated companies to the U.N. with the recommendation they be listed by the 1518 Committee under U.N. Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1483.   UNSCR 1483 requires U.N. member states to identify, freeze and transfer to the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) assets of senior officials of the former Iraqi regime and their immediate family members, including entities owned or controlled by them or by persons acting on their behalf. 

The Department of the Treasury is taking these steps to help the international community identify Iraqi assets connected to the designated individuals and entities.  Treasury is also encouraging other countries to undertake independent investigations to identify other Iraqi-related assets, publish similar listings and return identified funds to the DFI.

The Treasury Department took action today against:

Asil Sami Mohammad Madhi Tabrah
Asil Tabrah served as a key assistant to Uday at the Iraqi Olympic Committee and was responsible for handling many of Uday's domestic and international financial transactions.

a.k.a.  Asil Tabra
DOB:  June 6, 1964
Nationality: Iraqi

Adib Shaban Al-Ani
Adib Shaban served as Uday's chief of staff and worked at the Iraqi Olympic Committee.

a.k.a.  Dr. Adib Sha'ban
a.k.a.  Adib Shaban
DOB:    1952
Nationality: Iraqi

Dr. Sahir Berhan
Dr. Sahir Burhan was a board member on three Iraqi companies controlled by Uday and was a member of the Iraqi Olympic Committee's executive office.

a.k.a.  Dr. Sahir Barhan
a.k.a.  Saher Burhan Al-Deen
a.k.a.  Sahir Burhan
DOB:  1967
Address: Baghdad, Iraq
Address: United Arab Emirates
Nationality: Iraqi

General Maki Mustafa Hamudat
Maki Hamudat served as a deputy to Uday on the Iraqi Olympic Committee and was the general finance officer in charge of the budget of the Fedayeen Saddam, a paramilitary organization headed by Uday.

a.k.a.  Maki Hamudat
a.k.a.  Mackie Hmodat
a.k.a.  General Maki Al-Hamadat
a.k.a.  Macki Hamoudat Mustafa
DOB:  circa 1934
Address: Mosul, Iraq

Roodi Slewa
In addition to serving as Uday's partner in an Iraqi consumer goods company, Roodi
Slewa played a key role in Uday's illicit alcohol and cigarette distribution monopolies.
In order to conduct business under the former regime, Iraqi cigarette and alcohol vendors were required to make extortion payments to Slewa, who paid Uday approximately $1.5 million USD per month from the proceeds of this racketeering scheme.

a.k.a.  Rudi Slaiwah
a.k.a.  Rudi Untaywan Slaywah
a.k.a.  Rudi Saliwa
Nationality: Iraqi

Nabil Victor Karam
Nabil Karam played a key role in Uday's cigarette smuggling and racketeering activities in addition to serving as the director of Trading and Transport Services and Alfa Company Limited for International Trading and Marketing, two companies that managed many of Uday's illegal enterprises. 

DOB:  1954
Address:  c/o Trading and Transport Services
Al-Razi Medical Complex
Jabal Al-Hussein, Amman, Jordan
P.O. Box 212953
Amman 11121, Jordan

P.O. Box 910606
Amman 11191, Jordan

Address:  c/o Alfa Company Limited for International Trading and Marketing
P.O. Box 910606
Amman 11191, Jordan

Nationality: Lebanese

Trading and Transport Services Company, Ltd
Address: Al-Razi Medical Complex, Jabal Al-Hussein, Amman, Jordan
Address: P.O. Box 212953, Amman 11121, Jordan
Address: P.O. Box 910606, Amman 11191, Jordan

Alfa Company Limited For International Trading and Marketing
a.k.a.   Alfa Trading Company
a.k.a.  Alfa Investment and International Trading Company
Address:  P.O. Box 910606, Amman 11191, Jordan