Statements & Remarks

Treasury Statement Following IMF Article IV Consultation

WASHINGTON — Earlier today, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen met with International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva to discuss this year’s Article IV consultation with the United States.  Secretary Yellen reiterated the importance of frank and thorough assessments of all IMF member economies through the annual surveillance process, especially as countries deal with the effects of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic.  They discussed the key economic priorities of the Biden Administration and outlook for the U.S. economy.  They also discussed the need to respond effectively to ongoing supply chain disruptions from the pandemic and Putin’s unjustified war of aggression. 

The United States values the IMF’s economic surveillance.  As part of its longstanding support for transparency, the Treasury Department will publish all U.S. Article IV documents on its website following the Executive Board’s discussion in July, including the IMF’s Concluding Statement and Staff Report and the U.S. statement in response to the report. 
