Statements & Remarks

Statement from Assistant Secretary for International Trade and Development Alexia Latortue on European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s Capital Increase

WASHINGTON – The United States welcomes the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) approval of a €4 billion capital increase. This capital increase will allow EBRD to continue supporting critical resilience, recovery, and reconstruction in Ukraine, in the most fair, burden-sharing way. The new capital will enable EBRD to increase its support to Ukraine’s private sector, strengthen energy and food security for Ukrainians, and maintain vital infrastructure. The United States is proud to join other EBRD shareholders in approving a financial and policy package that will deepen the Bank’s support for all its recipient countries – including in the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia and the Caucasus, and the Balkans—to transition to a market economy and positions the EBRD to address global and regional challenges more effectively. The United States is the EBRD’s largest shareholder and we believe its strong private sector mandate, coupled with robust policy engagement, are building stronger partner economies that benefit American consumers and increase America’s security. 
