Press Releases

Treasury Continues Efforts Targeting Terrorist Organizations Operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan

(Archived Content)

Treasury Department Sanctions Prominent Taliban Financiers, Haqqani Network Commander, al-Qa'ida and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Financial Facilitator

WASHINGTON – Continuing efforts to combat the financing of terrorism, the U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced the designations of five individuals pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 for providing financial, material or technological support, or acting for or on behalf of the most dangerous terrorist organizations operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“These financiers and facilitators provide the fuel for the Taliban, Haqqani Network and al-Qa'ida to realize their violent aspirations,” said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen. “That is why we are taking these actions today and will continue our relentless efforts to choke off streams of financial and other support to terrorists.”

As a result of today’s action, U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with today's designees, and any assets they may hold under U.S. jurisdiction are frozen.

Hajji Faizullah Khan Noorzai (Faizullah)
Faizullah has served as a prominent Taliban financier with whom senior Taliban leaders invested funds. He has collected more than $100,000 for the Taliban from donors in the Gulf and in 2009 gave a portion of his own money to the Taliban.

Faizullah also financially supported a Taliban commander in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan and has provided funding to assist with training Taliban and al-Qa'ida fighters who were to conduct attacks against coalition and Afghan military forces.

In addition to his financial support, Faizullah has facilitated Taliban training and operations. As of mid-2009, Faizullah supplied weapons, ammunition, explosives, and medical equipment to Taliban fighters from southern Afghanistan. In mid-2008, Faizullah was responsible for housing Taliban suicide bombers and moving them from Pakistan into Afghanistan. Faizullah has also provided anti-aircraft missiles to the Taliban, helped move Taliban fighters around Helmand Province, Afghanistan, facilitated Taliban suicide bombing operations and has given radios and vehicles to Taliban members in Pakistan.

As of mid-2009, Faizullah operated a madrassa near the Afghanistan/Pakistan border, where tens of thousands of dollars were raised for the Taliban. Faizullah's madrassa grounds were used to provide training to Taliban fighters in the construction and use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and as of late 2007, his madrassa was used to train al-Qa'ida fighters who were later sent to Kandahar Province.

Hajji Malik Noorzai (Malik)
Malik is a Pakistan-based businessman who, with his brother Faizullah, has invested millions of dollars in various businesses for the Taliban.  In late 2008, Taliban representatives approached Malik as a businessman with whom to invest Taliban funds. Since at least 2005, Malik has personally contributed tens of thousands of dollars and distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Taliban, some of which was collected from donors in the Gulf region and Pakistan and some of which was Malik’s own money. Malik also handled a hawala account in Pakistan that received tens of thousands of dollars transferred from the Gulf every few months to support Taliban activities.

Malik has also facilitated Taliban activities in other ways. As of 2009, he had served for 16 years as the chief caretaker of a madrassa near the Afghanistan/Pakistan border that was used by the Taliban to indoctrinate and train recruits. Malik delivered funds that supported the madrassa, among other things.

Malik, along with his brother, has also played a role in storing vehicles to be used in Taliban suicide bombing operations and has helped move Taliban fighters around Helmand Province. As early as 2005, he owned a vehicle import business in Afghanistan that imported vehicles from Dubai and Japan. Malik has also imported auto parts and clothing from Dubai and Japan for his businesses, in which two Taliban commanders have invested. Additionally, in mid- 2010, Malik and his brother secured the release of hundreds of cargo containers, reportedly worth millions of dollars, which Pakistani authorities seized earlier that year because they believed the recipients had a connection to terrorism.

Abdur Rehman (Rehman)
Rehman has served as a Taliban facilitator since at least 2008, and as of mid-2009, Rehman claimed himself to be a member of the Taliban who had conducted at least one attack in Afghanistan. 

As a Taliban fundraiser, both he and his organization – a religious school in Karachi, Pakistan, and center for recruiting, indoctrinating, meeting, and facilitating funding for militants – were directly linked to supporting the Taliban. 

Rehman has also provided facilitation and financial services to al-Qa'ida.  Rehman has housed al-Qa'ida facilitators in Pakistan and has been used by al-Qa'ida and Taliban leaders to pass information to each other. In early 2009, he traveled on behalf of an al-Qa'ida facilitator to move funds for the Taliban and militants in Pakistan. In early 2007, Rehman planned to facilitate the movement of $1 million from an al-Qa'ida facilitator in the Gulf to Pakistan, where it would be used to finance al-Qa'ida and Taliban suicide attacks and terrorist operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Rehman has also maintained ties with three additional designated terrorist organizations: Harakat ul-Jihad Islami (HUJI), Jaish-e Mohammed (JEM) and al-Akhtar Trust (AAT).  As of 2007, he was a HUJI commander who frequently traveled to raise funds for HUJI activities. Rehman is also a former provincial-level JEM leader, once serving as the primary point of contact for JEM in Karachi. As of 2005, Rehman often traveled to collect funds from an AAT fundraiser, managed these funds, and distributed them to extremist groups. 

HUJI was designated by the United States in August 2010; JEM in October 2001; and AAT in October 2003.

Abdul Aziz Abbasin (Abbasin)
Abbasin is a key commander in the Haqqani Network who, as of early 2010, received orders from and was appointed by Sirajuddin Haqqani to serve as the Taliban shadow governor of Orgun District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan.

Abbasin commands a group of Taliban fighters and has assisted in running a training camp for foreign fighters based in Paktika Province, and has also been involved in ambushing supply vehicles of Afghan government forces and the transport of weapons to Afghanistan.

The Haqqani Network is a Taliban-affiliated group of militants that operates from North Waziristan Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Sirajuddin Haqqani was named a Specially Designated Global Terrorist on March 11, 2008.

Fazal Rahim (Rahim)
Prior to his arrest in May 2010 by Pakistani authorities, Rahim was a financial facilitator for al-Qa'ida and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), a designated terrorist organization. Rahim worked as an IMU financier alongside former IMU leader Tohir Yuldashev, who was killed in an explosion in Pakistan in August 2009.

Rahim received funds from Gulf-based associates for the IMU since at least 2007, which he used to fund Yuldashev in Pakistan. Rahim also funded an IMU affiliate's militia in Afghanistan. In late 2007, he instructed an al-Qa'ida associate to dispense funds to an IMU-affiliated militant in Afghanistan.

In addition to funding IMU activities, Rahim has facilitated the travel and training of individuals associated with the IMU. In 2009, he facilitated the travel of foreign fighters to Pakistan for Yuldashev. In mid-2007, he housed an IMU-affiliated militant at his residence in Peshawar, Pakistan. In 2005, Rahim recruited young men to train at an IMU camp located in Pakistan. IMU and al-Qa’ida were designated by the U.S. in September 2001.

Identifying Information:

Individual:     NOORZAI, Hajji Faizullah Khan
AKA:              NOREZAI, Haji Faizuulah Khan
AKA:              NOORI, Haji Faizullah
AKA:              KHAN, Haji Faizullah
AKA:              NOOR, Haji Faizullah
AKA:              NOORZAI, Haji Pazullah
AKA:              Haji Fiazullah
AKA:              Haji Mullah Faizullah
Nationality:     Afghan
Tribe:               Noorzai
Subtribe:          Miralzai
DOB:              1966
Alt. DOB:       1961
Alt. DOB:       1968-1970
POB:               Lowy Kariz, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan
Alt. POB:        Kadanay, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan
Residence:       Boghra Road, Miralzei Village, Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan

Individual:     NOORZAI, Hajji Malik
AKA:              NOORZAI, Hajji Malak
AKA:              NOORZAI, Haji Malek
AKA:              Haji Maluk
AKA:              Haji Aminullah
Nationality:     Afghan
Tribe:               Noorzai
DOB:              1957
Alt. DOB:       1960

Individual:     REHMAN, Abdur
AKA:              REHMAN, Abdul
AKA:              UR-REHMAN, Abd
AKA:              RAHMAN, Abdur
AKA:              SINDHI, Abdul Rehman
AKA:              AL-SINDHI, Abdul Rehman
AKA:              AL-SINDHI, Abdur Rahman
AKA:              SINDI, Abdur Rehman
AKA:              SINDHI, Abdurahman
AKA:              Abdullah Sindhi
AKA:              YAMIN, Abdur Rehman Muhammad
DOB:              October 3, 1965
POB:               Mirpur Khas, Pakistan
Nationality:     Pakistani
National ID:    44103-5251752-5 (Pakistan)
Passport:          Pakistan, CV9157521, Issued Sep 8 2008, Expires Sep 7 2013

Individual:     ABBASIN, Abdul Aziz
AKA:              MAHSUD, Abdul Aziz
DOB:              1969
POB:               Sheykhan Village, Pirkowti Area, Orgun District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan

Individual:     RAHIM, Fazal
AKA:              Rahim, Fazel
AKA:              Rahim, Fazil
AKA:              Rahman, Fazil
DOB:              January 5, 1974
Alt. DOB:       1977
Alt. DOB:       1975
Alt. DOB:       January 24, 1973
POB:               Kabul, Afghanistan

Passport:          R512768 (Afghan)