Alaska CPF Allocation

Total CPF Allocation: $111,803,893

CPF Awards

Multi-Purpose Community Facilities

Nuniaq Community Center ($4,454,968)

The construction of the Nuniaq Community Center will provide the community with computers and internet access, a youth center, and tribal preschool and offices.

Key State Contact: Alutiiq Tribe of Old Harbor

Iliuliuk Family and Health Services Center ($20,000,000)

The renovated center will provide public access to free internet service with equipment needed for youth and adults to access on-line educational courses and career programming.

Key State Contact: Iliuliuk Family & Health Services

Head Start and Job Center Facilities in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Region ($10,445,000)

The job center will offer youth counseling, GED tutoring, and free access to computers and the internet.

Key State Contact: Association of Village Council Presidents

Ouzinkie Internet Café ($1,400,000)

The construction of the Ouzinkie Internet Cafe will provide free public internet access to the residents of the village of Ouzinkie, where an estimated majority of households currently lack adequate internet access.

Key State Contact: The Spruce Island Development Corporation

Nenana Health and Wellness Complex ($24,000,000)

The construction of the Nenana Health and Wellness Complex, which includes an outpatient community behavioral health center, a training center for home health aides, meeting spaces, an urgent care center, health clinics, and a daycare center.

Key State Contact: The Nenana Native Association

Anchorage Downtown Library ($2,500,000)

The renovation of the Anchorage Downtown Library will provide the residents with expanded public services, including high speed internet access.

Key State Contact: Alaska Division of Community and Regional Affairs, through the Anchorage Library Foundation

Kawerak Multipurpose Facilities Project ($12,000,000)

The construction of five multi-purpose community facilities in the villages of Shishmaref, Gambell, Shaktoolik, Elim and Teller. 

Key State Contact: Kawerak, Inc.

Petersburg Medical and Public Health Center($20,000,000)

The construction of the Petersburg Wellness, Education and Resource Center (WERC) located on Mitkof Island in Petersburg, Alaska.

Key State Contact: Alaska Division of Community and Regional Affairs, through Petersburg Medical and Public Health Center (PMC)

Yukon-Kuskokwim Fitness Center (YKFC) ($9,000,000)

The YKFC will provide a computer lab equipped with internet, computers, and printers to the public to access education and work opportunities, as well as dedicated private space to access online telehealth appointments.

Key State Contact: City of Bethel

Administrative Funds: $5,590,195 

CPF Annual Report