Total CPF Allocation: $278,793,641
CPF Awards
Broadband Infrastructure Program ($200,000,000)
Pennsylvania’s Broadband Infrastructure Program is a competitive grant program designed to fund two types of broadband infrastructure projects: large-scale regional projects and line extensions.
Key State Contact: The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA)
Digital Connectivity Technology
Digital Access Opportunity Grant ($20,000,000)
Through the Digital Access Opportunity Grant program, the state will partner with community anchor institutions (CAIs) to increase access to laptops, tablets, desktop computers, and wi-fi devices to individuals in Pennsylvania.
Key State Contact: The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA)
Multi-Purpose Community Facilities
Digital Anchor Institution Grant Program ($44,853,959)
Pennsylvania’s Digital Anchor Institution Grant Program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to community anchor institutions and local governments for projects to construct, acquire, or improve community facilities that are open to the public.
Key State Contact: The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA)
Administrative Funds: $13,939,682