DATE: November 17, 2022

SUBJECT: Employee Transit Benefit Program

  1. PURPOSE. This Directive provides policy for establishing and amending the employee transit benefit program within the Department of the Treasury.
  2. BACKGROUND. Executive Order 13150, dated April 21, 2000, based on authority of: the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (Public Law 105-178); section 1911 of Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-486); section 531(a)(1) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (26 USC 132); and the Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act (Public Law 103-172), requires Federal agencies to implement a transportation fringe benefit program that provides qualified Federal employees a "transit pass" that is equivalent to their daily commute, not to exceed the amount allowable by law.
  3. SCOPE. This Directive applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Department of the Treasury, including the Offices of Inspector General within the Department. The provisions of this Directive shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Department’s Inspectors General.
  4. POLICY. It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury to:
    1. encourage the use of public transportation systems by employees to reduce traffic congestion, energy consumption, and vehicular pollution.
    2. establish employee transit benefit programs at all Treasury facilities as an effective means of reducing energy consumption for transportation to work by private vehicles, while increasing the use of public transportation modes.
    1. Heads of bureaus and offices, as it relates to their respective organization, are responsible for implementing and administering an employee transit benefit program and shall prepare all reports as requested by monitoring agencies, as required by authorizing statues and executive orders.
  6. AUTHORITY. Executive Order 13150, Federal Workforce Transportation dated April 21, 2000.
    1. Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, Public Law 105-178;
    2. 1911 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Public Law 102-486;
    3. 531(a)(1) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, Internal Revenue Code 132, as amended;
    4. Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act, Public Law 103-172; and
    5. Executive Order 12191, Federal Facility Ridesharing Program, dated February 1, 1980.
  8. CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 74-10, “Public Transportation Program,” dated November 3, 2000, is superseded.
  9. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management. 


Anna Canfield Roth
Acting Assistant Secretary for Management