DATE: December 17, 1996
SUBJECT: The Department of the Treasury Seal
- Pursuant to 31 USC 301(g) and 31 USC 321(b) and by the authority vested in the Secretary of the Treasury, I hereby approve the design of the Treasury seal which accompanies this Order (and which is described below) as the official of the Department for single color reproductions. This seal shall be used on letterhead stationery and other official Treasury documents.
- The central device of the seal is essentially the same as that used by the Department throughout its entire history. It is a shield containing scales, a chevron with 13 stars, and a key. An outer ring surrounding the shield carries the inscription THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789 in the original Cheltenham Bold type font or, alternatively, the Times Bold type font.
- Single color reproduction guidelines are as follows: scales, chevron, and key are reproduced on an open shield; the inscription is reproduced on an open ring. When printing the seal in blue ink only on credentials, PMS 290 or PMS 107-108 should be used. When printing the seal in green ink only on credentials, PMS 349C should be used. PMS stands for Pantone Matching System, which is the printing industry standard for describing and matching ink colors. Black and white only is also acceptable.
- The standard for reproduction of the seal in three colors remains unchanged from the seal adopted by the Department in 1968 (1968 seal). Multi-color reproduction guidelines are as follows: shield in gold (options are: PMS 110, PMS 610C, PMS 458CV, or bright gold foil); scales, chevron (stars in white, i.e., reversed), and key in light blue (PMS 292C). Inscription is reversed out of deep blue (PMS 540 or PMS 107-108).
- The official seal in use since 1968 is identical except that the type in the outer ring was reversed out of a dark background. The 1968 seal shall continue to be an authorized optional seal. Use of the new seal should be phased in as requirements for printing letterhead stationery and other documents carrying the seal arise. Existing dies and plates of the 1968 seal are considered equally effective as the official seal and shall continue to be used until there is a need to replace them.
- The Assistant Secretary (Management) and Chief Financial Officer is hereby delegated the authority to approve future changes to the seal or some elements of it to the extent such changes may be necessary for efficiency in printing and reproduction. This delegation is made with the understanding that any future changes to the seal shall be set forth in a Treasury Directive and published in the Federal Register.
- CANCELLATION. This Order supersedes Treasury Order 100-01, "Treasury Seal," dated January 29, 1968.
Robert E. Rubin
Secretary of the Treasury
Attachment: Treasury Seal (click on title to view attachment)