DATE:  November 18, 2008

Reaffirmed: September 14, 2018

SUBJECT:  Oath Administrators

  1.      DELEGATION.  By virtue of the authority vested in the Secretary of the Treasury by 31 USC 321(b), there is hereby delegated to the Heads of the Bureaus and Offices the authority, vested in the head of an executive agency by 5 USC 2903, to designate in writing officers and employees of their respective bureaus or offices who may administer oaths required by 5 USC 3331, incident to entrance into the executive branch of the Federal government, or any other oath required by law in connection with employment therein.
  2.      CANCELLATION.  Treasury Order 101-11, Oath Administrators, dated September 18, 1950, is superseded.
  3.      OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST.  Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Resources, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer. 



Henry M. Paulson, Jr.

Secretary of the Treasury