DATE: July 12, 2024
SUBJECT: Strategic Management Delegation of Authority
- PURPOSE. This Order designates the senior accountable officials under the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (Public Law 103-62, “GPRA”), The Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-352, “GPRAMA”), the Program Management Improvement Accountability Act (Public Law 114-264 “PMIAA”), and Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control (“OMB Circular A-123,” July 15, 2016).
- SCOPE. This Order applies to all bureaus in the Department of the Treasury. Bureaus may designate these roles for effective management of operations to support Departmental implementation of these responsibilities and are not required or expected to replicate all responsibilities assigned to the Treasury Department in the law and OMB guidance. The provisions of this Order shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Department’s Inspectors General.
- DELEGATION. By virtue of the authority vested in me by 31 USC 1124(a), I hereby designate the Assistant Secretary for Management (ASM) as Treasury’s Performance Improvement Officer (PIO). By virtue of the authority vested in me by 31 USC 1126, I hereby designate the ASM as Treasury’s Program Management Improvement Officer (PMIO). I hereby designate the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement as Treasury’s Deputy Performance Improvement Officer (Deputy PIO) and Deputy Program Management Improvement Officer (Deputy PMIO). By virtue of the authority vested in me by 31 USC 321(b), I hereby designate the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement as Treasury’s Chief Risk Officer (CRO). I hereby designate the Director of Enterprise Strategy, Performance, and Risk within the Office of Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement as Treasury’s Deputy Chief Risk Officer (Deputy CRO).
- Pursuant to 31 USC 1123(a), the Deputy Secretary serves as Treasury’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) and carries out the general responsibilities and duties specified in 31 USC 1123(b).
- The ASM, in their capacity as the PIO, shall carry out the general responsibilities and duties specified in 31 USC 1124(a).
- The ASM, in their capacity as the PMIO, shall carry out the general responsibilities and duties specified in 31 USC 1126.
- The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement, in their capacity as the CRO, shall implement the Enterprise Risk Management Program of the agency. This role champions agency-wide efforts to manage risk within the agency and advises senior leaders on the strategically aligned portfolio view of risks at the agency. The CRO is a strategic advisor to the COO and other staff on the integration of enterprise risk management practices into day-to-day business operations and decision-making.
- The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement, in their capacity as the Deputy PIO, supports the COO and PIO, with responsibility for overseeing the Department’s strategic planning and organizational performance processes (collectively known as Treasury’s strategic management routines). They also represent Treasury on the federal Performance Improvement Council.
- The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement, in their capacity as the Deputy PMIO, supports the COO and PMIO, with responsibility for implementing PMIAA requirements and integrating with Treasury’s strategic management routines. They also represent Treasury on the federal Program Management Policy Council.
- The Director of Enterprise Strategy, Performance and Risk within the Office of Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement, in their capacity as the Deputy CRO, supports the COO and CRO, with responsibility for overseeing the Department’s enterprise risk management processes and integrating with Treasury’s strategic management routines.
- Pub. L. No 103-62 – The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993
- Pub. L. No 111-352 – The Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act of 2010
- Pub. L. No 114-264 – The Program Management Improvement Accountability Act
- OMB Circular No A-123 – Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control
- OMB Circular No A-11 – Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget
- OFFICES OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of Strategy, Planning, and Performance Improvement.
Janet L. Yellen
Secretary of the Treasury