Media Advisories

Registration For U.S.-China Strategic And Economic Dialogue

(Archived Content)

Media Credentials Now Available
Deadline to Register is May 23, 2016
WASHINGTON – For planning purposes only (not for publication): U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew will travel to the eighth U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) in Beijing, China June 6-7, 2016.
A S&ED credential and passport or government issued ID are required for members of the media wishing to cover the events surrounding the S&ED.Members of the media wishing to cover this event must register for media credentials by Monday, May 23, 2016, at 5:00 pm EDT.
To register for media credentials, please visit:
Further details regarding the agenda and additional press opportunities will be made available shortly.
Please note that registration is not confirmation of attendance at the S&ED or at ancillary/related events. Final press attendance for S&ED events will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
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