(Archived Content)
Raskin to Lead U.S. Delegation to African Development Bank Annual Meeting
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Deputy Secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin will travel to Kigali, Rwanda this week to lead the U.S. delegation to the African Development Bank’s Annual Meeting, hold discussions with senior government officials from African nations about strategies to promote regional economic growth and development and reduce poverty, and meet with business leaders, entrepreneurs and students.
This will be Deputy Secretary Raskin’s first international travel in her Treasury role.
This will be Deputy Secretary Raskin’s first international travel in her Treasury role.
Deputy Secretary Raskin’s visit will highlight U.S.-Africa partnerships, including U.S. efforts to bolster infrastructure through President Obama’s Power Africa initiative, strengthen the financial sector, improve the investment climate, and advance food security and sustainable agricultural-led growth through country-owned strategies. The U.S. supports substantial development assistance in these areas through its leadership at and funding for the African Development Bank and the World Bank.
On Wednesday, Deputy Secretary Raskin will host a Power Africa Roundtable with African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka and energy sector developers and financiers. Power Africa is a U.S. government initiative that addresses one of the most pressing challenges to sustainable economic growth and development in sub-Saharan Africa – increasing power generation and improving access to electricity. Later, the Deputy Secretary will meet with students at Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda to discuss the importance of higher education, including in information technology, to Rwanda and East Africa’s economic future.
On Wednesday, Deputy Secretary Raskin will host a Power Africa Roundtable with African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka and energy sector developers and financiers. Power Africa is a U.S. government initiative that addresses one of the most pressing challenges to sustainable economic growth and development in sub-Saharan Africa – increasing power generation and improving access to electricity. Later, the Deputy Secretary will meet with students at Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda to discuss the importance of higher education, including in information technology, to Rwanda and East Africa’s economic future.
On Thursday morning, Deputy Secretary Raskin will attend the African Development Bank’s Annual Meeting.
Also on Thursday, the Deputy Secretary will hold a series of bilateral discussions with top African government officials, including Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
Additional details, meetings, and information about media opportunities will be announced in the coming days.
Additional details, meetings, and information about media opportunities will be announced in the coming days.
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