(Archived Content)
WASHINGTON – On Monday, August 6, 2012, the Department of the Treasury’s Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance (FACI) will convene in open session. The meeting will include a discussion on the internationalization of the insurance industry and current regulatory activity, among other issues. Michael T. McRaith, Director of Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office, will lead the meeting, which will also be streamed live by webcast.
Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance
Federal Insurance Office
Monday, August 6, 2012
1:30 PM
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Cash Room
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.
This event is open to the press. A live webcast of the open session will be available at https://home.treasury.gov/news/webcasts.
Media without Treasury press credentials planning to attend must email Stephanie Ma at Stephanie.Ma@treasury.gov with the following information: full legal name, Social Security number, date of birth, and country of citizenship. The deadline to RSVP is MONDAY, August 6 at 10:00 AM.