(Archived Content)
Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. will host a conference to examine issues affecting U.S. capital markets competitiveness on Tuesday, March 13 in Washington, D.C. Following is a schedule of events:
8:45 a.m.
Secretary Paulson
Opening Remarks
Healy Hall Auditorium
Georgetown University
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, DC
NOTE: Broadcast media should arrive starting at 6:30 a.m. and must arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. All media must RSVP with Andrea Sarubbi at 202-687-4328 or aes54@georgetown.edu prior to the event for credentials.
8:55 a.m.
Panel I
Framing the Issues: Markets Perspectives
Moderators: Secretary Paulson
SEC Chairman Christopher Cox
Panelists: Warren E. Buffett, Chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
James Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co
Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman and CEO, General Electric Company
Charles R. Schwab, Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Charles Schwab
John A. Thain, CEO, NYSE Group
Ann Yerger, Executive Director, Council of Institutional Investors
Gaston Hall
3rd Floor, Healy Hall
Georgetown University
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, DC
NOTE: Broadcast media must arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. All media must RSVP with Andrea Sarubbi at 202-687-4328 or aes54@georgetown.edu prior to the event for credentials.
Panel II
Framing the Issues: Public Policy Perspectives
Moderators: Secretary Paulson
Chairman Cox
Panelists: The Honorable Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor, New York City
The Honorable Dr. Alan Greenspan, Greenspan Associates, and Former
Chairman of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
The Honorable Arthur Levitt, Jr., Senior Advisor, The Carlyle Group,
and Former Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission
The Honorable Robert E. Rubin, Director and Chairman of the Executive
Committee, Citigroup Inc., and Former Secretary of the Treasury
The Honorable Paul A. Volcker, Former Chairman of the Board of
Governors, Federal Reserve System
Gaston Hall
3rd Floor, Healy Hall
Georgetown University
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, DC
NOTE: Broadcast media must arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. All media must RSVP with Andrea Sarubbi at 202-687-4328 or aes54@georgetown.edu prior to the event for credentials.
5:15 p.m.
Under Secretary Robert K. Steel
Pen and Pad Briefing
Philodemic Room
2nd Floor, Healy Hall
Georgetown University
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, DC
NOTE: No cameras will be admitted to the briefing. All media must RSVP with Andrea Sarubbi at 202-687-4328 or aes54@georgetown.edu prior to the event for credentials.