Media Advisories

U.S. Treasurer to Host Discussion on African-American Financial Education

(Archived Content)



The U.S. Treasury Department will host a discussion tomorrow on financial education in African-American communities.  U.S. Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola, Jr. will co-chair the discussion and moderate expert panels on the best ways to provide financial education to African-American communities. 

Less than half of African-American workers have saved for retirement and generally have less saved when compared to all workers.  Only 27 percent of African-American workers have tried to calculate how much they will need to save for retirement. 

The roundtable is the third in a series of four discussions being held as part of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission's implementation of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy.  For more information about the Commission, visit its website at

The following event is open to the media:
U. S. Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Dan Iannicola, Jr.
Roundtable Discussion on Financial Education in African-American Communities
Tuesday, March 4, 8:30 a.m. EST
Treasury Department
Cash Room
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.
Media without Treasury press credentials should contact Frances Anderson at (202) 622-2960, or with the following information: full name, Social Security Number and date of birth.