4003 Loan Program

Established by the CARES Act, the 4003 Loan Program authorized the Treasury Department to make loans, loan guarantees, and other investments to provide liquidity to eligible businesses related to losses incurred due to the coronavirus pandemic. Under this program, the Treasury Department provided approximately $2.7 billion in loans to 35 eligible businesses, including passenger air carriers, repair station operators, ticket agents, cargo air carriers, and businesses critical to maintaining national security.

The 4003 Loan Program provided an emergency credit line for large and small businesses unable to obtain credit elsewhere during the height of the pandemic, thereby reducing COVID-19-driven bankruptcies, protecting pensions, and, together with the Payroll Support Program, avoiding long-term reductions in aviation capacity.

To the extent practicable, the CARES Act required borrowers to agree to maintain their March 24, 2020, employment levels between that date and September 30, 2020. In accordance with the statute, borrowers also were required to agree to certain employee compensation restrictions; agree not to repurchase stock; and agree not to pay dividends or make other capital distributions until 12 months after the loan is fully repaid to the Treasury Department.

Further, the CARES Act required that the Treasury Department receive certain financial protections in making a loan, in the form of a warrant or equity interest if the borrower is a public company, or a warrant, equity interest, or senior debt instrument if the borrower is a private company. As of June 2024, of the 35 loans that the Treasury Department provided, 20 borrowers owe a combined $213 million. Fifteen borrowers have fully repaid their loans for a combined $2.5 billion in principal repayments. Borrowers have paid more than $182 million in cash interest payments.



air carriers, repair station operators, and ticket agents 1


 BorrowerCity 2State 2Total Anticipated Loan AmountDate of ApplicationDate of Loan Agreement 3Transaction Information 4
 AERO HYDRAULICS, INC.FAYETTEVILLEGA$450,00005/1/202010/26/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 ALASKA AIRLINES, INC.SEATTLEWA$1,928,000,00004/17/202009/28/2020 (amended 10/30/2020 and 01/15/2021)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 ALLFLIGHT CORPORATIONKENTWA$4,721,26004/17/202011/05/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation 

 AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC.FORT WORTHTX$7,500,000,00004/18/202009/25/2020 (amended 10/21/2020 and 01/15/2021)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation


Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation 


Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation 

 BRISTIN TRAVEL, LLCFAYETTEVILLEAR$549,65104/11/202010/26/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 CARIBBEAN SUN AIRLINES, INC.VIRGINIA GARDENSFL$6,768,74904/17/202011/05/2020 (amended 12/7/2020)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation 

 EASTERN AIRLINES LLCWAYNEPA$15,000,00004/18/202010/28/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 ELITE AIRWAYS, LLCPORTLANDME$2,630,27404/14/202011/09/2020 (amended 12/1/2020)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 FRONTIER AIRLINES, INC. DENVERCO$574,000,00004/16/202009/28/2020
(amended 01/15/2021)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES, INC.HONOLULUHI$622,000,00004/17/202009/25/2020 (amended 10/23/2020 and 01/15/2021)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 ISLAND WINGS, INC.FT. LAUDERDALEFL$294,35004/30/202011/05/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation 

 JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATIONLONG ISLAND CITYNY$1,948,000,00004/29/202009/29/2020 (amended 11/03/2020 and 01/15/2021)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 LEGACY AIRWAYS, LLCCONROETX$1,817,30606/23/202010/20/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 MESA AIRLINES, INC.PHOENIXAZ$195,000,00004/24/202010/30/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 OVATION TRAVEL GROUP INC.NEW YORKNY$20,000,00004/16/202010/15/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 REPUBLIC AIRWAYS, INC.INDIANAPOLISIN$58,000,00004/20/202011/06/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 SKYWEST AIRLINES, INC.ST. GEORGEUT$725,000,00004/24/202009/29/2020 (amended 10/28/2020 and 01/15/2021)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation


Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 SUN COUNTRY, INC.MINNEAPOLISMN$45,000,00004/17/202010/26/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 THOMAS GLOBAL SYSTEMS LLCIRVINECA$1,400,00004/16/202011/09/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 TIMCO ENGINE CENTER, INC.OSCODAMI$8,390,24004/17/202011/05/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation 

 UNITED AIRLINES, INC.CHICAGOIL$7,491,000,00004/17/202009/28/2020 (amended 11/06/2020, 12/08/2020 and 01/15/2021)

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation


National Security Businesses 1

 BorrowerCity 2State 2Total Anticipated Loan AmountDate of ApplicationDate of Loan Agreement 3Transaction Information 4
 CHANNEL LOGISTICS, LLCCAMDENNJ$2,500,00005/01/202011/12/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 CORE AVIONICS & INDUSTRIAL, INC.TAMPAFL$6,000,00005/01/202011/05/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation 

 MAP LARGE, INC.ATLANTAGA$10,000,00004/27/202011/02/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation


Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 OVIO TECHNOLOGIES, INC.NEWPORT BEACHCA$1,186,90005/04/202011/02/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 SEMAHTRONIX, LLCFLIPPINAR$1,999,10005/01/202011/13/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 SEMANTIC AI, INC.SAN DIEGOCA$506,30005/01/202011/13/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 SPINLAUNCH, INC.LONG BEACHCA$2,519,20005/01/202011/13/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 VISUAL SEMANTICS, INC.AUSTINTX$1,053,20005/01/202010/30/2020

Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation


Transaction Summary

Transaction Documentation

 YELLOW CORPORATION (FORMERLY YRC WORLDWIDE INC.)OVERLAND PARKKS$700,000,00004/29/202007/08/2020Transaction Summary 
Transaction Documentation


  1. Only certain categories of entities are eligible to receive loans under sections 4003(b)(1), (2), and (3) of the CARES Act. Under those provisions, a borrower must be a passenger air carrier; a business that is certified under 14 CFR part 145 and approved to perform inspection, repair, replace, or overhaul services; a ticket agent (as defined in 49 U.S.C. 40102); a cargo air carrier; or a business critical to maintaining national security. Additional information regarding eligibility is provided in the "Procedures and Minimum Requirements for Loans to Air Carriers and Eligible Businesses and National Security Businesses under Division A, Title IV, Subtitle A of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act" (March 30, 2020), available here
  2. The location provided is the address included by borrowers in their applications and may not include all locations in which a borrower operates.
  3. Date of Loan Agreement: The date of the loan agreement is also the date of approval of the borrower’s application. For borrowers whose loan agreements have been amended, the date listed is the date of execution of the initial loan agreement.
  4. The transaction documentation provides information including the interest rate, conditions, and other material and financial terms of the transactions.


CARES Act Section 4026(b) Reports

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (02/01/2025)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (01/01/2025)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (12/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (11/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (10/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (09/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (08/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (07/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (06/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (05/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (04/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (03/01/2024)

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (02/01/2024) 

4026(b)(1)(C) Loan Report (01/01/2024)