Total CPF Allocation: $268,578,200
CPF Awards
Ohio Residential Broadband Expansion Grant Program ($94,500,000)
The Ohio Residential Broadband Expansion Grant Program (ORBEG) is a competitive broadband grant program designed to fund last-mile broadband infrastructure projects in rural areas currently lacking access to reliable, high-speed internet.
Key State Contact: BroadbandOhio
Ohio Broadband Line Extension Customer Assistance Program ($10,000,000)
The Ohio Broadband Line Extension Customer Assistance Program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to internet service providers (ISPs) to address the needs of individuals who are located near infrastructure for high-quality broadband service but where the cost of the last mile connection is a barrier.
Key State Contact: BroadbandOhio
Multi-County Last Mile Fiber Build Pilot ($50,000,000)
The Multi-County Last Mile Fiber Build Pilot program is a broadband grant program designed to provide high-speed, reliable internet in an area of the state with a gap in infrastructure availability and where the cost of the last-mile connection is a barrier.
Key State Contact: BroadbandOhio
Western Ohio Infrastructure Upgrade Pilot Project ($3,000,000)
The Western Ohio Infrastructure Upgrade Pilot Project is designed to leverage existing middle mile infrastructure in western Ohio to upgrade the network’s capacity to provide internet at speeds of 100/100 Mbps.
Key State Contact: BroadbandOhio
Digital Connectivity Technology
Affordability and Digital Equity Grant Program ($20,000,000)
Ohio's Affordability and Digital Equity Grant program will fund eligible internet service providers for the purchase and installation of equipment to help facilitate broadband access to areas of need.
Key State Contact: BroadbandOhio
Multi-Purpose Community Facilities
Appalachian Community Innovation Campuses Program ($89,527,234)
Ohio’s Appalachian Community Innovation Campuses Program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to eligible counties within the Appalachian region to construct multi-purpose facilities designed to increase access to education, community health services, and workforce development opportunities.
Key State Contact: Ohio Facilities Construction Commission
Administrative Funds: $1,550,966