Real Estate

Real Estate

Are all real estate transactions in urbanized areas excluded from the regulations?

No, in certain locations, real estate transactions in urbanized areas are within the scope of the regulations.  Specifically, transactions involving real estate that is in “close proximity” (one mile) to a military installation listed in part 1 or part 2 of appendix A to part 802 is covered, as is real estate that is, is located within, or will function as part of a “covered port.”

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CFIUS FAQ Category

Do the regulations cover the sale or lease of residential property?

FIRRMA excludes from CFIUS’s jurisdiction the purchase or lease by, or concession to, a foreign person of a single “housing unit,” as defined by the Census Bureau.  Given that many single housing units are conveyed with adjoining land, the regulations on real estate also exclude any fixtures and adjacent land but only to the extent they are incidental to the intended use of the real estate as a housing unit.  Fixtures and land may be considered incidental if their size and nature is common for similar single housing units in the locality in which the unit is located.  If the incidental fixtures or land is not common for other similar housing units in the locality, the exception would apply only to the housing unit itself.

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CFIUS FAQ Category

Are all real estate transactions covered if they fall within the specific geographic areas described in the regulations?

No.  The regulations on real estate transactions exclude from CFIUS’s jurisdiction under 31 C.F.R. part 802 certain transactions based on characteristics of the foreign person, the transaction, and the real estate.  The regulations include a section on “excepted real estate transactions” and exclude the following, subject to certain conditions:

  • real estate transactions involving an excepted real estate investor;
  • real estate transactions that are part of a “covered transaction” under the part 800 regulations (though such transaction may separately be subject to CFIUS’ jurisdiction under 31 C.F.R. part 800);
  • real estate transactions in an “urbanized area” or “urban cluster,” as defined by the Census Bureau, except those relating to “covered ports” and those in “close proximity” to certain military installations;
  • the purchase, lease, or concession of a single “housing unit,” as defined by the Census Bureau;
  • the lease or concession of real estate in airports and maritime ports for the purpose of retail sales;
  • the lease or concession of real estate in airports and maritime ports involving a foreign air carrier with a security program accepted by the Transportation Security Administration;
  • the purchase, lease, or concession of certain commercial space in a multi-unit commercial building; and

transactions involving real estate owned by Alaska Natives or held in trust by the United States for certain native populations.

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CFIUS FAQ Category

Will the Department of the Treasury publish a tool to help the public interpret the scope of the new real estate regulations?

The CFIUS Part 802 Geographic Reference Tool was developed as a resource to help the public locate specific real estate in relation to the military installations associated with the regulations at 31 C.F.R. part 802 and listed in appendix A (parts 1 to 3) of the rule.  This mapping tool allows users to input an address and determine the distance to certain military installations.  This tool was developed to assist the public and is provided for reference only; it should not be interpreted as guidance or an advisory opinion by CFIUS with respect to any particular transaction. 

Note that the mapping tool does not display the offshore areas identified in part 4 of appendix A to 31 C.F.R. part 802.  Further, the tool does not display the covered ports (air and maritime ports) relevant to 31 C.F.R. part 802.  Relevant information on the offshore areas and covered ports are available through other U.S. Government websites.  Additional resources are available on the CFIUS Real Estate webpage.

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CFIUS FAQ Category