DATE: April 10, 2023

SUBJECT: Issue of Retirement Bonds and Savings Bonds Bearing Facsimile Signatures of Former Treasury Secretaries

  1. DELEGATION. By virtue of the authority vested in the Fiscal Assistant Secretary by Treasury Order (TO) 101-05, the use of all retirement bond and savings bond stock, which bear facsimile signatures of former Treasury Secretaries, may be used whenever the Bureau of the Fiscal Service issues definitive (paper) bonds.
    The term "stock" means stock on order, as well as all stock on hand at the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, and Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, acting as fiscal agents of the United States.
  2. SCOPE. This Directive applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Department of the Treasury, except the Offices of Inspector General. The provisions of this Directive shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Offices of Inspector General.
    1. TO 101-05, "Reporting Relationships and supervision of Officials, Offices and Bureaus, Delegation of Certain Authority, and Order of Succession in the Department of the Treasury."
    2. 31 USC 3105.
    3. 31 USC 3106.
  4. CANCELLATION. Treasury Directive 16-54, "Issue of United States Securities Bearing Facsimile Signatures," dated November 24, 1992, is superseded.
  5. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary.


David Lebryk
Fiscal Assistant Secretary