DATE: April 6, 2001

REAFFIRMED: October 25, 2022

SUBJECT: Performing Temporary Duty at or Near the Permanent Duty Station or Residence

  1. PURPOSE. This Directive sets forth policy for payment of per diem at or near employee’s Permanent Duty Station (PDS) or residence.
  2. POLICY. It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury that the Departmental Offices (DO), Office of Inspector General (OIG), Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), and all bureaus not authorize payment of per diem if Temporary Duty (TDY) is performed within 50 miles of the PDS or residence from which an employee commutes daily.
  3. EXCEPTION. Payment of per diem may be allowed if TDY is performed at least 30 miles from both the PDS and residence that involves:
    1. Severe conditions (e.g. weather or excessive travel delays, etc.) that may endanger the health and safety of an employee; or
    2. Training or conference attendance.
  4. RESPONSIBILITIES. The DO Chief Management and Administrative Programs Officer, Inspector General, TIGTA, and Bureau Heads as it relates to their respective bureaus and offices shall establish internal policy implementing authorization for payment of per diem while performing TDY at or near the PDS or residence.
  5. AUTHORITY. 41 CFR part 301-11.1(a).
  6. OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. Office of Accounting and Internal Control, Office of the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.


James J. Flyzik
Acting Assistant Secretary for Management
and Chief Information Officer