DATE:  February 7, 2025

SUBJECT:  Reporting Relationships and Supervision of Officials, Offices and Bureaus, and Delegation of Certain Authority in the Department of the Treasury

  • SCOPE.  This Order applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Department of the Treasury, including the Offices of Inspector General within the Department. The provisions of this Order shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Department’s Inspectors General.
  • By virtue of the authority vested in the Secretary of the Treasury, it is ordered that:
    • The Deputy Secretary shall report directly to the Secretary and is authorized, in that official’s own capacity and that official’s own title, to perform any functions the Secretary is authorized to perform and shall be responsible for referring to the Secretary any matter on which action would appropriately be taken by the Secretary.
      The Deputy Secretary shall carry out the duties and powers of the Secretary when the Secretary is absent or unable to serve, or when the office of the Secretary is vacant.
    • The Chief of Staff shall report directly to the Secretary and shall exercise supervision over the Deputy Chiefs of Staff, Executive Secretary, Director of Scheduling, and the other officials and offices within the Office of the Chief of Staff.
    • The following officials shall report through the Deputy Secretary to the Secretary and shall exercise supervision over those officials within their respective organizations:
      1. 1) Under Secretary (International Affairs)
      2. 2) Under Secretary (Domestic Finance)
      3. 3) Under Secretary (Terrorism & Financial Intelligence)
      4. 4) General Counsel
      5. 5) Assistant Secretary (Economic Policy)
      6. 6) Assistant Secretary (Legislative Affairs)
      7. 7) Assistant Secretary (Management)
      8. 8) Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs)
      9. 9) Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy)
      10. 10) Treasurer of the United States
      11. 11) Commissioner of Internal Revenue
      12. 12) Comptroller of the Currency
      13. 13) Chief Financial Officer
      14. 14) Chief Recovery Officer
    • The following officials shall report to the Under Secretary (International Affairs):
      1. 1) Assistant Secretary (International Finance)
      2. 2) Assistant Secretary (International Trade and Development)
      3. 3) Assistant Secretary (Investment Security)
    • The following officials shall report to the Under Secretary (Domestic Finance):
      1. 1) Fiscal Assistant Secretary
      2. 2) Assistant Secretary (Financial Institutions)
      3. 3) Assistant Secretary (Financial Markets)
      4. 4) Director, Office of Financial Research
    • The following officials shall report to the Under Secretary (Terrorism & Financial Intelligence):
      1. 1) Assistant Secretary (Intelligence and Analysis)
      2. 2) Assistant Secretary (Terrorist Financing)
      3. 3) Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
      4. 4) Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control
    • The Director, Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture, shall report to the Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing.
    • The Commissioner of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service shall report to the Fiscal Assistant Secretary.
    • The following officials shall report to the Treasurer of the United States:
      1. 1) Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing
      2. 2) Director, United States Mint
    • The Administrator of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau shall report to the Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy).
    • The Director of the Community Development Financial Institution Fund shall report to the Assistant Secretary (Financial Institutions).
    • The Inspector Generals shall report to and be under the general supervision of the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary.
    • The Assistant Secretary for Management serves as the head of Departmental Offices for all purposes relating to administrative functions. When the position of the Chief Financial Officer is vacant, the Deputy Chief Financial Officer reports to the Assistant Secretary for Management.
    • The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Information Systems), reporting to the Assistant Secretary for Management, is designated as the Department’s Chief Information Officer pursuant to Division E of the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, and Executive Order (EO) 13011, dated July 16, 1996, and shall report to the Secretary as specified in TO 102-10.
    • The Director, Office of Small Business Development Utilization, reports and is responsible to the Office of the Deputy Secretary, pursuant to Section 15(k) of the Small Business Act, EO 13170 dated October 6, 2000, and related statutes.
    • The Under Secretaries, the General Counsel, the Assistant Secretaries, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Treasurer of the United States are authorized to perform any functions the Secretary is authorized to perform, other than functions expressly reserved to the Secretary or Deputy Secretary and subject to the following: Each of these officials will ordinarily perform under this authority only those functions that arise out of, relate to, or concern the activities or functions of, or the laws administered by or relating to, the bureaus, offices, or other organizational units over which the incumbent has supervision. Each of these officials shall perform under this authority in the official’s own capacity and the official’s own title and shall be responsible for referring to the Secretary any matter on which action would appropriately be taken by the Secretary.
    • During any period when both the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary have died, resigned, or are otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, those officials designated by the President pursuant to EO 13735, dated August 12 2016, or otherwise designated pursuant to law, including by any successor Executive Order, shall act as and perform the functions and duties of the office of the Secretary.
    • 31 USC 301 and 321(b).
    • Executive Order 13246, dated December 18, 2001, as amended by Executive Order 13261, dated March 19, 2002.
  • CANCELLATION.  Treasury Order 101-05, “Reporting Relationships and Supervision of Officials, Offices and Bureaus, and Delegation of Certain Authority in the Department of the Treasury,” dated September 20, 2022, is superseded.
  • OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST.  Assistant Secretary for Management.


Scott K. H. Bessent
Secretary of the Treasury