(Archived Content)
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Secretary Jacob J. Lew will travel to Boston, Massachusetts on Thursday, January 22, followed by travel to Davos-Klosters, Paris, Brussels, Oswiecim, and Kyiv.
While in Boston, the Secretary will participate in a roundtable discussion at a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site for a conversation about the VITA program and the role of the Affordable Care Act at tax time. He will also meet with economists to discuss the state of the economy, wage inequality and ways to help enhance wages of the medium and low-skilled.
Secretary Lew will depart Boston on Thursday evening for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. While in Davos, the Secretary will meet with global business leaders and with his international counterparts to discuss economic developments and policies to boost U.S. and global growth and promote financial stability.
Following his participation at the Forum, Secretary Lew will travel to Paris, France on Sunday, January 25, where he will meet with French Finance Minister Michael Sapin, and have discussions with business leaders. On Monday, January 26, the Secretary will be in Brussels, Belgium for meetings with European Commission Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen, European Commission Vice President for the Euro and Social Dialogue Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici, and European Commissioner for Financial Services Jonathan Hill. On Tuesday, January 27, Secretary Lew will lead the Presidential Delegation to Oswiecim, Poland to attend the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
The Secretary will also travel to Kyiv, Ukraine on Wednesday, January 28 to meet with senior government officials and discuss the additional U.S. assistance announced last week.
Additional details regarding Secretary Lew’s international schedule will be available in the days ahead. Media planning to travel to any of the international destinations may contact holly.shulman@treasury.gov for information about logistics. For information regarding media accreditation for the World Economic Forum, please visit http://www.weforum.org/press.