Media Advisories

U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew to travel to Europe for meetings with Senior Government Officials, April 8-9, 2013

(Archived Content)

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Secretary Jacob J. Lew will travel to Europe April 8-9, 2013 for discussions with his counterparts on economic developments in Europe and policies to boost global growth and promote financial stability.
On Monday, April 8, the Secretary will arrive in Brussels, Belgium, for meetings with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro and European Commission Vice President Olli Rehn, and European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier. In the evening, Secretary Lew will travel to Frankfurt where he will meet with European Central Bank President Mario Draghi.
On Tuesday, April 9, Secretary Lew will meet with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble in Berlin. In the afternoon, he will travel to Paris to meet with French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici.

Secretary Lew will return to Washington, DC the evening of April 9.
Additional details will be announced in the coming days.
Media planning to travel to Europe may contact for information about logistics and required visas. 