Media Advisories

MONDAY: Deputy Secretary Wolin to Deliver Opening Remarks before the President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability Meeting

(Archived Content)


WASHINGTON – In conjunction with National Financial Literacy Month, Deputy Secretary Neal Wolin will deliver opening remarks at a meeting of the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability on Monday, April 9, 2012. The Deputy Secretary will discuss the importance of financial capability, and the Administration’s recent efforts to create a fair and sound financial system, while empowering consumers with the tools they need to operate safely and smartly in the marketplace.


The Council will then host a panel discussion entitled “Financial Capability and Empowering Communities to Succeed in the Economy of the Future,” and receive updates from the subcommittee chairs.


WHAT:Meeting of the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability


WHO:   Deputy Secretary Neal Wolin, Opening Remarks


Panel: Financial Capability and Empowering Communities to Succeed in the Economy of the Future


Moderator: Sharon Epperson, Personal Finance Correspondent, CNBC


  • Brian Deese, Deputy Director, National Economic Council
  • Peter Franchot, Comptroller, State of Maryland
  • Otis Johnson, Former Mayor, City of Savannah, Georgia
  • Racquel Russell, Special Assistant to the President for Mobility and Opportunity, Domestic Policy Council


President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability


  • John W. Rogers, Jr., Ariel Investments (Chairperson of the Council)
  • Roland Arteaga, The Defense Credit Union Council
  • Janie Barrera, ACCION Texas, Inc.
  • Ted Beck, The National Endowment for Financial Education 
  • Sherry Salway Black, Partnership for Tribal Governance
  • John Hope Bryant, Operation HOPE
  • Samuel T. Jackson, The Economic Empowerment Initiative, Inc.
  • Richard Ketchum, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) 
  • Beth Kobliner, Personal Finance Commentator and Journalist
  • Marc H. Morial,  National Urban League
  • Addison Barry Rand, AARP​
  • Amy Rosen, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship
  • Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, The Charles Schwab Foundation
  • Eldar Shafir, Princeton University
  • Kenneth Wade, Bank of America


WHEN:          Monday, April 9, 2012

Event Start time: 10:00 AM


WHERE:       U.S. Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

 Washington, DC


This event is open press, and will also be streamed online at the Department of the Treasury’s website at this link .

