(Archived Content)
Secretary Geithner to Meet with Local Business Leaders, Tour Siemens Manufacturing Plant to Highlight How U.S. Can Win Global Competition for Business Investment, Spur Economic Growth and Job Creation
WASHINGTON – On Monday, June 20, Secretary Geithner will travel to Cincinnati, Ohio to meet with local business leaders and tour Siemens’ Norwood manufacturing plant, which produces energy-efficient motors for a variety of industrial applications. The Secretary’s visit will be an opportunity to hear from Cincinnati businesses and workers about how to continue to strengthen economic growth, private sector job creation and American competitiveness.
The visit will highlight the skill and productivity of American workers as a key strength in generating increased investment and job creation in the U.S., both from global companies such as Siemens and from American companies that are “onshoring” more of their production. The Secretary will also discuss the role the manufacturing sector is playing in strengthening our economic recovery and the impact of foreign direct investment on that sector and the overall economy.
WHO: Tim Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury
Daryl Dulaney, President and CEO, Siemens Industry, Inc.
WHAT:Media Availability Following Tour of Siemens Norwood Motor Facility
WHEN:Monday, June 20, 2011
1:50 PM EST
WHERE: Siemens Industry, Inc.
Norwood Motor Facility
4620 Forest Avenue
Norwood, OH
PLEASE NOTE: There will be a b-roll opportunity of the Secretary’s tour of Siemens for TV cameras and still photographers at 1:30pm. There will be a press availability following the Secretary’s tour. Press covering the b roll opportunity should arrive at 12:45pm EST and press covering the media availability only should arrive at 1:15 pm EST. Press may park in the visitors lot and must enter and sign-in at the main entrance.
To RSVP and for additional information and logistics, please contact Vivian Harkabusic in the Drive Technologies Division of Siemens Industry, Inc. at (513) 841-3202 or vivian.harkabusic@siemens.com. Please specify if you will be bringing a satellite truck.
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