Media Advisories

**MEDIA ADVISORY** August 22: In California, Secretary Lew to Deliver Remarks on the Economy and Visit AT&T Foundry

(Archived Content)

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, August 22, 2013, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew will discuss the state of the U.S. economy in remarks before the Commonwealth Club at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. The Secretary will discuss recent efforts to strengthen the economic recovery and address the primary economic imperatives facing the country, including the need for Washington to avoid self-inflicted wounds that could impede economic growth. He will also highlight the President’s plan to strengthen the middle class and create jobs by improving the nation’s infrastructure, enlarging our manufacturing base and developing innovative technologies at home, while increasing our exports abroad. Following his remarks, Secretary Lew will participate in a moderated discussion with Adam Lashinsky of Fortune Magazine.  

As part of his visit to the San Francisco Bay Area, Secretary Lew will also tour the AT&T Foundry in Palo Alto. The AT&T Foundry innovation centers are dedicated to cultivating the development of cutting edge technologies from inception to market by bringing together engineers, developers, designers and other skilled experts in technology.  The program is fueled by a collaborative investment of nearly $100 million from AT&T, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Amdocs, Intel and Microsoft.   

Press Logistics:

Thursday, August 22

 10:00 AM PDT
Secretary Jacob J. Lew
Tour of AT&T Foundry
260 Homer Avenue
Palo Alto, California

There will be a b-roll opportunity of the Secretary’s tour for TV cameras and still photographers. Media planning to attend must RSVP to Jessica Swain, at, by Wednesday, August 21 at 12:00 p.m. Press should arrive by 9:15 a.m. to allow time for equipment sweeps and set-up. Press call time is subject to change.   

1:00 PM PDT
Secretary Jacob J. Lew
Remarks and Conversation on the Economy with Adam Lashinsky
Hosted by the Commonwealth Club of California
Computer History Museum
1401 North Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, California

This event is open press. Media planning to attend must RSVP to Riki Rafner at by Wednesday, August 21 at 12:00 p.m. All members of the media must present press credentials upon arrival. Press with camera equipment must arrive by 12:15 p.m. to allow time for security sweeps. All other press must arrive by 12:30 p.m. Press call times are subject to change.
