Media Advisories

Deputy Secretary Of The Treasury Sarah Bloom Raskin to Deliver Keynote on Cybersecurity

(Archived Content)

WASHINGTON - Treasury Deputy Secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin will provide keynote remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Strategic Technologies Program conference co-hosted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Her remarks will focus on the intersection of national security, insurance, and cyber risk. 
CSIS is a bipartisan, non-profit organization that seeks to advance global security and prosperity by providing strategic insights and policy solutions to decision makers. NAIC is the standard-setting and regulatory support organization where state insurance regulators establish standards and best practices, conduct peer review, and coordinate their regulatory oversight. 
A preview of Deputy Secretary Raskin’s remarks can be viewed here
Press Logistics:
9:00 AM EDT
Deputy Secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin 
Center for Strategic and International Studies’ (CSIS) Conference on Managing Cyber Risk and the Role of Insurance
Second Floor Conference Center
CSIS, 1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
A live webcast can be viewed here.
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