(Archived Content)
Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. will participate in the inaugural conference next week of the Americas Competitiveness Forum hosted by Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez. In the opening session of the second day of the forum Secretary Paulson will deliver keynote remarks focusing on efforts to bring new economic opportunities, continued poverty reduction and an expanded middle class to this hemisphere. Secretary Paulson will announce a new initiative to expand lending to small businesses that currently have little access to financing.
The forum will bring key public and private-sector leaders together to discuss ways to increase competitiveness in the Western Hemisphere. It will facilitate the sharing of ideas and examples of success from other countries in the region in education, innovation, supply chain strategies, workforce development and small business development growth. For more information on the forum go to: http://www.ita.doc.gov/competitiveness/ACF/index.asp
Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Opening Plenary Remarks
Tuesday, June 12, 8:30 a.m. (EDT)
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel
265 Peachtree Center Avenue
Marquis Ballroom B-D
Atlanta, Georgia
Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez
Joint Press Briefing
Tuesday, June 12, 9:30 a.m. (EDT)
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel
265 Peachtree Center Avenue
Lobby Level, L506
Atlanta, Georgia
Media must complete application and submit it to the Commerce Department's International Trade Administration Office of Public Affairs: http://trade.gov/competitiveness/ACF/acf_media_credential_form.pdf