(Archived Content)
Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Robert K. Steel and Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Anthony W. Ryan will hold a press conference today at 11 a.m. in the Treasury Department Gallatin Room to discuss the next steps in part of Treasury's capital markets competitiveness initiative announced in June. The following event is open to credentialed media:
Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Robert K. Steel
Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Anthony W. Ryan
Press Conference on Capital Markets
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 11 a.m. (EDT)
U.S. Treasury Department
Gallatin Room (2124)
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, D.C.
Media without Treasury press credentials should contact Frances Anderson at (202) 622-2960, or frances.anderson@treasury.gov with the following information: full name, Social Security number and date of birth.