Media Advisories

Paulson to Speak on Forging Consensus and Generating Results in U.S. – China Economic Relations

(Archived Content)

Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. will deliver remarks next week to the Asia Society. His remarks will focus on the U.S. – China economic relationship and the upcoming Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) meeting in Beijing. The dialogue, established by Presidents Bush and Hu, is a framework for managing our bilateral economic relationship on a long-term strategic basis. The third Cabinet-level meeting of the SED will take place December 12-13, 2007 near Beijing at Grand Epoch City.

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr.

Remarks on Forging Consensus and Generating Results in U.S.-China Economic Relations

Wednesday, December 5, 11:45 a.m. EST

Capital Hilton
1001 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC

Media should register at 202-833-2742 or