(Archived Content)
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will travel to Honolulu, Hawaii to host the 2011 Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting of Finance Ministers on November 9-10, 2011. The Secretary will chair a meeting of regional finance ministers focused on policies to strengthen the global recovery and bring about strong, sustained and more balanced growth in order to boost job creation and incomes in the United States and throughout the APEC region. The APEC economies, comprising many of the most dynamic and fastest-growing economies in the world, account for 58 percent of U.S. goods exports.
Travel arrangements and hotel accommodations will be the responsibility of each media organization. Suggested date of departure is Tuesday, November 8, 2011, with a return of Friday, November 11, 2011.
Currently, press opportunities are scheduled for Thursday, November 10, including pooled media opportunities for the meeting and a press conference at its conclusion. Additional details will be announced in the coming weeks.
If you are planning to attend, please email Frances Anderson at frances.anderson@treasury.gov with your likely travel dates and contact information, so Treasury can communicate logistical updates as necessary.
Media credentials: Online registration is available at http://www.apec2011.gov/registration/152179.htm. **PLEASE NOTE: THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR MEDIA CREDENTIALS IS OCTOBER 7.**
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