Press Releases

Secretary Paulson to Unveil Currency with New Signature

(Archived Content)

Washington, DC--Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson will visit the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) next week for the unveiling of the first paper currency with the new Secretary's signature. The Secretary will tour the final stages of the printing process with employees of the BEP's printing facilities in Washington, D.C.

BEP has been working to bring the Secretary's signature to the currency since his first day in office. BEP engravers first transferred the Secretary's signature to steel plates, which will be used to print all new U.S. paper currency. Since the introduction of the smaller-size notes in 1929, the signatures of 25 Treasury Secretaries and 16 Treasurers – including Secretary Paulson and Treasurer Anna Escobedo Cabral – have appeared on U.S. paper currency.

The new $20 Series 2006 Paulson-Cabral notes are expected to be sent to the Federal Reserve for distribution as needed.

Each business day, the BEP produces roughly 38 million notes with a face value of approximately $696 million. An estimated $761 billion in U.S. paper currency is currently in circulation worldwide.

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson
Bureau of Engraving and Printing Director Larry R. Felix

Currency Unveiling with New Paulson Signature

Monday, October 23
9:00 a.m. EDT

U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
14th & C St., SW
Washington, DC

This event will be pool coverage only. Please contact Brittni Aldridge for details on pool arrangements.