Sheet Metal Workers Local Pension Fund (OH)

Application Documents
Application Item 00 - Cover Letter and Designation of Authorized Representative Trustee_Redacted
Application Item 01 - Narrative_Redacted
Application Item 02 - Table of Contents (Exhbits and Appendices)
Application Item 03 - Appendix A - Notice to Participants_Sample Individual Notices_Ballot
Application Item 04 - Appendix B - Information on Actuarial Assumptions and Methods
Application Item 05 - Appendix C - Power of Attorney_Redacted
Application Item 06 - Checklist_Redacted
Exhibit 06 - Demonstration that Limitations on Individual Suspensions are Satisfied
Exhibit 07 - Demonstration of Equitable Distribution of Suspension of Benefits
Exhibit 08 - List of Contributing Employers_Redacted
Exhibit 09 - Plan Sponsor Certifications Relating to Plan Amendments_Redacted
Exhibit 1 - Trustees's Certifications as to Penalties of Perjury and Public Disclosure of Application_Redacted
Exhibit 10 - Narrative Statement
Exhibit 11 part 1- Plan Determination Letter
Exhibit 11 part 2- Plan Document and Amendments_Redacted
Exhibit 11 part 3- Summary Plan Description
Exhibit 12 - Excerpts From Collective Bargaining Agreements
Exhibit 13 - Excerpts from Form 5500_Redacted
Exhibit 14 - Rehabilitation Plan_Redacted
Exhibit 15 - Actuarial Valuation Report as of May 1, 2017_Redacted
Exhibit 16 - Actuarial Valuation Report as of May 1, 2016_Redacted
Exhibit 2 - Actuary's Certification of Plan's Critical and Declining Status_Redacted
Exhibit 3 - Actuary's Supplemental Information to Actuarial Certification_Redacted
Exhibit 4 part 1 - Actuary's Certification of Plan Solvency and Proposed Benefit Suspension_Redacted
Exhibit 4 part 2- Ten Year Experience for Certain Critical Assumptions