Doing Business with OFS

Contractor Contract Number Date of Award Obligated Value Performance Through Category
ASR Analytics TOFS-17-G-0002 $7,197,211.07 Financial Advisory
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. TOFS-17-G-0004 $2,013,705.13 Information Technology
Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP TOFS-16-D-0004 $4,462,157.00 Legal Advisory
Ernst & Young LLP TOFS-17-B-0002 $4,676,339.00 Compliance
Haynes and Boone LLP TOFS-17-C-0001 $1,027,240.00 Legal Advisory
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP TOFS-16-D-0002 $808,289.00 Legal Advisory
Integrated Federal Solutions, Inc. 2032K718C00001 $1,317,888.00 Administrative Support
Navigant Consulting Inc. TOFS-17-B-0001 $3,784,175.00 Compliance
Perspecta Enterprise Solutions LLC 2032K719F00002 $499,764.00 Information Technology
RDA Corporation 2032K719F00003 $713,184.00 Information Technology