(Archived Content)
WASHINGTON – On Thursday, May 17, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will visit Baltimore to deliver remarks and participate in a discussion on the state of the economy with members of the Greater Baltimore Committee. In his remarks before local business leaders, the Secretary will outline the primary economic imperatives facing the country and review the Administration’s efforts to support economic growth in the short term, put in place the right investments and reforms for our future, and restore fiscal sustainability under a balanced approach. Later in the morning, Secretary Geithner will tour local manufacturer Marlin Steel Wire Products. He will highlight the importance for Congress to take action on the President’s “To Do List” and pass a new hire tax credit that will help small businesses like Marlin Steel create jobs in communities across the country. During his visit to Baltimore, Secretary Geithner will also meet with business and community leaders at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Press Logistics
8:30 AM EDT
Secretary Tim Geithner
Remarks before the Greater Baltimore Committee
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel
Harborside Ballroom, 4th Floor
700 Aliceanna Street
700 Aliceanna Street
Baltimore, Maryland
This event is open press. Media with satellite trucks and camera equipment should arrive by 7:00 a.m. to allow time for equipment sweeps and set-up. All other press should arrive by 8:00 a.m. Media planning to attend must RSVP to Gene Bracken at geneb@gbc.org or (410) 727-2820, x33. Press call times are subject to change.
11:30 AM EDT
Secretary Tim Geithner
Tour of Marlin Steel Wire’s Manufacturing Facility
Marlin Steel Wire
2640 Merchant Drive
Baltimore, Maryland
There will be a b-roll opportunity of the Secretary’s tour for TV cameras and still photographers. Media planning to attend must RSVP to Stephanie Ma at Stephanie.Ma@treasury.gov. For security purposes, press should arrive by 10:45 a.m. to allow time for equipment sweeps and set-up, including press without media equipment. Press call time is subject to change.
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