(Archived Content)
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury today announced that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will attend the meeting of finance ministers of the Americas and the Caribbean in Calgary, Canada, March 25-26, 2011. The meeting will focus on addressing economic challenges and enhancing regional integration in the hemisphere.
On the heels of Secretary Geithner’s recent travel to Brazil – both in February and again this week with President Obama – he will consult with his counterparts in the region more broadly on policies needed to strengthen the global recovery and promote job creation. He will also discuss the Administration’s support for the work of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on Haiti’s reconstruction efforts, improvements in promoting the effectiveness and quality of its operations and the new financial policies it uses to guarantee financial sustainability.
All working sessions of the meeting are closed to the media. There will be pooled photo opportunities at the family photo and working dinner on Friday evening and the opening of the plenary session on Saturday. Credentialing information is available at: http://www.fin.gc.ca/notices-avis11/2011-03-18-eng.asp.
Additional details on the Secretary’s schedule will be released in the days ahead.
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