Minnesota CPF Allocation

Total CPF Allocation: $180,702,620

CPF Awards


Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program ($82,681,891)

Minnesota’s Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program (B2B Grant Program) is a competitive grant program designed to provide financial resources for new and existing internet service providers (ISPs) to invest in building broadband infrastructure in areas of the state that currently lack high-speed internet.

Key State Contact: Minnesota Office of Broadband Development

Line Extension Program ($15,000,000)

Minnesota’s Line Extension Program is a competitive grant program designed to address the needs of individuals who are located near infrastructure for high-quality broadband service but where the cost of the last mile connection is a barrier.

Key State Contact: Minnesota Office of Broadband Development

Low Density Pilot Program($29,100,000)

The Low-Density Pilot Program is a competitive grant program that provides financial resources for new and existing providers to invest in building broadband infrastructure in low-density areas of the state that currently lack high-speed internet.

Key State Contact: Minnesota Office of Broadband Development

Multi-Purpose Community Facilities

Minnesota Multi-Purpose Community Facility Projects to Support Community Revitalization, Connectedness and Equity by Promoting Education, Work and Health ($47,499,639)

Minnesota’s Multi-Purpose Community Facility Projects to Support Community Revitalization, Connectedness and Equity by Promoting Education, Work and Health program will fund projects that support community revitalization, connectedness, and equity by promoting education, work and health for Minnesota children and families in areas that would benefit most from expanded community facilities and serve communities most impacted by the challenges exacerbated by the pandemic.

Key State Contact: Minnesota Department of Education

Administrative Funds: $6,421,090 

Press Releases

CPF Annual Report