Procurement Executive

The Office of the Procurement Executive advances adaptive practices in leading the Treasury acquisition, contracting, and suspension and debarment programs.

OPE achieves this mission by leading the Treasury procurement system to:

  1. Prioritize competition while advancing Administration priorities through procurement (e.g., category management, domestic sourcing, cybersecurity, supply chain risk management)
  2. Modernize Treasury operations in leadership of the acquisition organization (data, innovation, customer experience, workforce) 

The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition (DAS-A) serves as the Department of the Treasury’s Senior Procurement Executive (SPE), Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer (DCAO), Suspension and Debarment Official (SDO), and Senior Accountable Official for Domestic Sourcing. DAS-A serves as the principal expert advisor to the Assistant Secretary (Management)/Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO) in all policy matters regarding procurement and contracting, advises other top departmental officials on procurement and contracting matters, and serves as the Department's key spokesperson and official representative on matters involving procurement and contracting.

The DAS-A is delegated full procurement authority for the Department of the Treasury, and is responsible for the maintenance and oversight of a Department-wide procurement system, including policy and operational matters, continuous improvement, acquisition career management, e-Government, evaluation and monitoring, and procurement and non-procurement suspension and debarment. 

Procurement authority is delegated through the DAS-A to Heads of Contracting Activity in Treasury bureaus, who further delegate authority to Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs). Bureau CPOs delegate procurement authority to Contracting Officers who plan, solicit, award, and administer contracts for goods and services to support the Treasury mission.


FY2025 Procurement Leader Strategic Guidance