(NEW 03-05-2024) Form SHL(2024) benchmark survey: Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 28, 2024. All United States persons who meet the reporting requirements set forth in the Federal Register Notice of June 5, 2024 (see below) must report.
- (Corrected 06-05-2024) The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/05/2024). The date is corrected to June 28, 2024 in parts (1) and (2) of Who Must Report. This is a correction of the previous Federal Register Notice of March 7, 2024, which is now replaced by this Notice.
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (03-05-2024). The schedules are the same ones used in the previous report, SHL(2019). The instructions are the same ones used in the previous report, SHLA(2020), but modified for a benchmark survey reporting panel.
- The SHL(2024) Schedules are unchanged from those used in the SHL(2019)report.
Expired Form SHLA(2023) annual survey: Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 30, 2023. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (05/16/2023).
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (05-16-2023). The schedules are the same ones used in the previous report, SHL(2019). The instructions are the same ones used in the previous report, SHLA(2020).
- The SHLA(2023) Schedules are unchanged from those used in the SHL(2019)report.
Expired Form SHLA(2022) annual survey: Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 30, 2022. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (05/19/2022).
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (05-24-2022). The schedules are the same ones used in the previous report, SHL(2019). The instructions are the same ones used in the previous report, SHLA(2020).
- The SHLA(2022) Schedules are unchanged from those used in the SHL(2019)report.
Expired Form SHLA(2021) annual survey: Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 30, 2021. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (05/05/2021) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (05-10-2021). The schedules are the same ones used in the previous report, SHL(2019). The instructions are the same ones used in the previous report, SHLA(2020).
- The SHLA(2021) Schedules are unchanged from those used in the SHL(2019)report.
- (UPDATE 01-31-2022) Forms SHL/SHLA and instructions are renewed without change from Form SHLA(2020) except change in expiration date to January 31, 2025.
- (06-08-2021) The Federal Register Notice of March 31, 2021 proposed no changes in Form SHL/SHLA or the instructions.
- (06-08-2021) The Federal Register Notice of March 31, 2021 proposed no changes in Form SHL/SHLA or the instructions.
Expired Form SHLA(2020) annual survey: Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 30, 2020. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/08/2020) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (06-08-2020). The schedules are the same ones used in the previous report, SHL(2019). The instructions are basically the same ones used in the previous report, SHL(2019), but modified for an annual survey reporting panel because SHL(2019) was a benchmark survey.
- The SHLA(2020) Schedules are unchanged from those used in the SHL(2019)report.
Expired Form SHL(2019) benchmark survey: Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 30, 2019. All United States persons who meet the reporting requirements set forth in the Federal Register Notice of June 10, 2019 (see below) must report.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/10/2019) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (06-10-2019). The schedules and instructions are basically the same ones used in the previous report, SHLA(2018), but modified for a benchmark survey reporting panel.
- The SHL(2019) Schedules are unchanged from 2018 except that the expiration date is corrected to 10/31/2021, in agreement with the expiration date on the instructions.
Expired Form SHLA(June 2018): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2018.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (5-16-2018) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- The SHLA(2018) Forms and Instructions (PDF) are available.
There are several updates and clarifications in the instructions:- on page 6 the mailing address at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is updated.
- on page 15 the text on Direct Investment is simplified.
- in Appendix F the link is updated to the latest version of the TIC Glossary.
- the cover page of the instructions is dated "April 2018".
- The SHLA(2018) Schedules are unchanged from 2017 except that the expiration date is corrected to 6/30/2020, in agreement with the expiration date on the instructions.
Expired Form SHLA(June 2017): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2017.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (5-19-2017) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- The SHLA(2017) Forms and Instructions (PDF) are available.
The schedules are the same as used for the previous SHLA(2016) report. There are changes in the instructions, and the changes are described in detail in the Federal Register Notice of December 30, 2016. Here is a brief summary of the changes in the instructions: (a) Reporting by certain private funds is covered on page 13, in a new sub-section "Direct investment exception for private funds"; (b) Besides private funds, several other entities are mentioned: Intermediate Holding Companies (IHCs) on page 5 under "Consolidation Rules"; fund administrators on page 12 under "Reporting guidelines for Hedge Funds ..."; and teddy bears (TBRs) on page 14 under "Stripped Securities"; (c) Clarifications are made on pages 19-26 in the Line-by-Line instructions for Schedules 1 and 2; (d) Some names and symbols of currencies are updated/revised in Appendix E; (e) The exemption level for reporting in the next benchmark survey in 2019 is raised to $200 million; (f) The cover page of the instructions is dated "December 2016". - The SHLA(2017) Schedules are unchanged from 2016.
Expired Form SHLA(June 2016): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2016.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/01/2016) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (06-03-2016) The SHLA(2016) Instructions and Forms (PDF) are available. There are two changes in the instructions: (a) on page 5 - Section D: changed “via spreadsheet file transfer” to “via XML file transfer”; (b) on page 15 - Section L: under Valuation of Securities, added new clarifying sentence on “clean prices”; (c) the cover page of the instructions is dated "March 2016".
- The SHLA(2016) Schedules are unchanged from 2015.
Expired Form SHLA(June 2015): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2015.
Notes: These are NOT the same schedules and instructions used for previous SHLA reports. The schedules and instructions are revised primarily to streamline and standardize, to the extent possible, the SHL/SHLA form with the SHC/SHCA form. The Federal Register Notice of November 28, 2014 described the changes.- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (08/06/2015) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (final revised instructions 07-23-2015) The SHLA(2015) Forms and Instructions (PDF) are available. There are two changes in the instructions: (a) critical for schedule 2, the instructions for line 5 (on page 20) are corrected to be consistent with the report form. This should help respondents when preparing their XML file submissions; (b) on page 13, a sentence on valuation of TIPS and FRNS is added to the 2nd paragraph of section G on Stripped Securities; (c) The cover page of the instructions is dated "July 2015".
- (last revisions of Schedules, 02-05-2015) The SHLA(2015) Schedules are available. There were three changes in the schedules: (a) in schedule 2, item #1 on line 5 is corrected to read "Issuer" instead of end-investor; (b) in schedule 2, issuer type #5 on line 11 is expanded to make clear that broker/dealers are included; (c) in Schedule 1, reporter type #5 on line 8 is expanded to make clear that broker/dealers are included.
Expired Form SHL(2014) benchmark survey: Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 30, 2014.
Notes: (a) All United States persons who meet the reporting requirements set forth in the Federal Register Notice of June 11, 2014 (see 1 below) must report.
(b) The schedules and instructions are basically the same ones used in the previous report, SHLA(2013), but modified for a benchmark survey reporting panel.- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/11/2014) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (4-28-2014).
- The TIC Glossary. The glossaries for all Treasury International Capital (“TIC”) reports are consolidated into a single document which will provide more consistency across the TIC system. As a result, the TIC SHL/SHLA reporting instructions will not include a glossary but will point to this separate consolidated Glossary document on the TIC website. (06-11-2014) The title of the section at the bottom of page 15 was corrected to read U.S. Government Agency and Federally Sponsored Enterprise Securities.
- Canceled (November 2013) -- the Federal Register Notice of March 28, 2013 (PDF). (November 2013) It was impossible, due to IT conflicts, to begin the revisions as proposed for SHL(2014) and SHCA(2014). So the proposed revisions, primarily aimed to streamline and standardize the SHL/SHLA form with the SHC/SHCA form, were rescheduled in separate Federal Register Notices for SHCA(2014) and SHLA(2015). FYI: No comments were received on the canceled March 2013 Federal Register Notice.
Expired Form SHLA (2013): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2013.
Notes: (a) Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
(b) These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHLA(2012).- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (03/27/2013) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (6-28-2011).
-- Note: The combined lists in Appendices D and E, (selected foreign official institutions and international and regional organizations, June 2008 revision) can also be accessed here in html format (useful for putting list into a spreadsheet), or with countries separated into geographical regions.
Expired Form SHLA (2012): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2012.
Notes: (a) Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
(b) These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHLA(2011).- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/07/2012) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (6-28-2011).
-- Note: The combined lists in Appendices D and E, (selected foreign official institutions and international and regional organizations, June 2008 revision) can also be accessed here in html format (useful for putting list into a spreadsheet), or with countries separated into geographical regions.
Expired Form SHLA (2011): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2011.
Notes: (a) Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
(b) These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHLA(2010). The expiration date has been changed to 6-30-2014.- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/28/2011) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (6-28-2011).
-- Note: The combined lists in Appendices D and E, (selected foreign official institutions and international and regional organizations, June 2008 revision) can also be accessed here in html format (useful for putting list into a spreadsheet), or with countries separated into geographical regions.
Expired Form SHLA (2010): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2010.
Notes: (a) Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
(b) These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHL(2009). A few clarifications have been made in the instructions, and they are marked with vertical lines in the right margin.- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/15/2010) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (6-8-2010).
-- Note: The combined lists in Appendices D and E, (selected foreign official institutions and international and regional organizations, June 2008 revision) can also be accessed here in html format (useful for putting list into a spreadsheet), or with countries separated into geographical regions.
Expired Form SHL (2009): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2009.
Note for those who file annual reports: These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHLA(2008), except that the instructions for this benchmark survey are changed to identify the larger number of respondents (see Who Must Report), appendices D and E are included, diskettes are no longer an option for electronic filing (see Appendix H), and there are a few clarifications in the instructions.- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (04/22/2009) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (04/22/09).
-- Note: The combined lists in Appendices D and E, (selected foreign official institutions and international and regional organizations, June 2008 revision) can also be accessed here in html format (useful for putting list into a spreadsheet), or with countries separated into geographical regions.
Expired Form SHLA (2008): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2008.
Notes: (a) These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHLA(2007), except that the OMB expiration date has been changed to 6/30/2011.
(b) Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (06/12/2008) .
- Forms and Instructions (PDF) (06/12/08).
-- Appendix E: Selected foreign official institutions (June 2008 revision) (06/2008).
Expired Form SHLA (2007): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2007.
Note: These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHLA(2006).- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (04/04/07) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- FINAL Forms and Instructions (PDF) (04/18/06; appendices D and F revised 5/1/06).
-- Appendix E: Selected foreign official institutions (June 2007 revision). - -- FAQs (1/7/08) for SHL and SHLA reports, also in PDF format;
-- Comparison of short-term securities (PDF) (05/24/05) between the survey and the TIC monthly reports. - Key Issues for SHLA Software Developers (PDF) (08/23/2007).
Expired Form SHLA (2006): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2006.
Note: These are the same schedules and instructions used for the previous report, SHLA(2005), EXCEPT that there is a longer list of countries, areas, and organizations in appendix C. Also, there are revisions in appendices D, E and F.- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements. (04/19/06) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Forms and Instructions (04/18/06; appendices D and F revised 5/1/06). Changes to appendices C, D, E, and F are marked with black vertical bars.
-- Appendix E: Selected foreign official institutions (May 2006 revision) (06/14/06).
Expired Form SHLA (2005): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2005.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements. (04/29/05) Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Final Instructions and Forms (04/29/05). Changes to Schedules. (a) Schedule 1 now includes a "Valuation Technique" section. (b) Two items are no longer required on the Schedule 2: (1) item 11 "Registered/Bearer indicator" and (2) item 17 "If U.S. Fair Market Value is zero..." Both of these items will remain on the form but have been renamed as "intentionally left blank". (c) There is a new code added to item 15 "Type of Foreign Holder" (1= Official, 2= Individual 3= Other).
Changes to Instructions: In the country lists in appendices C and E, added Wallis and Futuna, with its new code; updated several names with no code changes. - Comparison of short-term securities data (05/24/05) on the TIC SHL and SHC forms versus the TIC B forms.
Expired Form SHL (2004): Foreign-Residents' Holdings of U.S. Securities, Including Selected Money Market Instruments as of June 30, 2004.
- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (03/18/04) .
- Final Instructions and Form SHL. (04/07/04; only changes are updated appendices D (short list of FOIs) and H.) Includes country codes & currency codes.
-- Flowcharts for Reporting of Funds (04/01/04).
-- Appendix D full list of selected foreign official institutions (05/04) . - Guidelines for Preparing an Error-Free Report (04/01/04).
- Line-by-Line Differences between the March 2000 SHL Forms 1 & 2 and these June 2004 SHL Schedules 1 & 2 (04/28/04).
- Key Issues for SHL Software Developers (03/31/04).
- Expired Forms SHL(A) (2003), (2002), and (2000).: Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of June 30, 2003; 2002; and 2000.
See the final reports on the results of these surveys in us-liabilities-to-foreigners-from-holdings-of-us-securities webpage. The forms and instructions for those surveys are included in the last part of those reports (PDF).
Description: Forms SHL/SHLA cover U.S. liabilities to foreign-residents that invest in U.S. securities. Form SHL is used for large benchmark surveys conducted only every five years; form SHLA is used for smaller annual surveys conducted during the intervening years. All of these forms are part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.; E.O. 11961; 31 C.F.R. 129), and are designed to collect reliable information on international portfolio capital. This information is necessary for compiling the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position, and for formulating U.S. international financial and monetary policies.
Who Reports on the forms: U.S.-resident custodians report on all of these forms. In addition, forms SHL & SHLA are used by U.S.-resident issuers of securities held by foreigners. See instructions regarding exemptions.
NOTE: Forms SHC and SHCA are now on a separate page. Please change your bookmarks.