Description: Forms SHC/SHCA cover U.S. claims on foreign-residents resulting from U.S. investment in foreign securities. Form SHC is used for large benchmark surveys conducted only every five years; form SHCA is used for smaller annual surveys conducted during the intervening years. These forms are part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.; E.O. 11961; 31 C.F.R. 129), and are designed to collect reliable information on international portfolio capital. This information is necessary for compiling the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position, and for formulating U.S. international financial and monetary policies.
Who Reports on the forms: U.S.-resident custodians report on all of these forms. In addition, forms SHC & SHCA are used by U.S.-resident investors in foreign securities. See instructions regarding exemptions.
- (NEW 11-20-2023) Form SHCA(2023): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2023.
- (NEW 11-20-2023) The Federal Register Notice (Nov 17, 2023) contains mandatory reporting requirements. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (NEW 11-20-2023) The Forms and Instructions are available. There are no changes in the forms, called schedules, or the instructions from SHCA(2022). Please note that forms and instructions may not be mailed to potential reporters, and must be downloaded from the Treasury website. The Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- (10-15-2020) List of Selected Reincorporated Companies dated October 2020.
- EXPIRED Form SHCA(2022): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2022.
- (12-16-2022) The Federal Register Notice (Dec 16, 2022) contains mandatory reporting requirements. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (12-16-2022) The Forms and Instructions are available. There are no changes in the forms, called schedules, from SHC(2021). The instructions are updated from SHC(2021), in the pages through page 8, to indicate that this is an annual survey (not a benchmark survey) with different reporting requirements. Please note that forms and instructions may not be mailed to potential reporters, and must be downloaded from the Treasury website. The Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- (10-15-2020) List of Selected Reincorporated Companies dated October 2020.
- (Update 01-31-2022) Forms SHC/SHCA and instructions are renewed without change from Form SHCA(2020) except for change in expiration date to January 31, 2025.
- (06-08-2021) The Federal Register Notice of March 31, 2021, proposed no changes in Form SHC/SHCA or the instructions.
- (06-08-2021) The Federal Register Notice of March 31, 2021, proposed no changes in Form SHC/SHCA or the instructions.
- EXPIRED Form SHC(2021): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2021.
- (12-08-2021) The Federal Register Notice (Dec 08, 2021) contains mandatory reporting requirements, and affects all U.S. persons, including affiliates of foreign entities, (a) who manage, as custodians, the safekeeping of a minimum amount of foreign securities for U.S. persons, (b) who own and/or invest on behalf of others, a minimum amount of foreign securities, and (c) who receive a letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York requiring them to report.
- (12-09-2021) The Forms and Instructions are available. There are no changes in the forms, called schedules, from SHCA(2020), except for a new expiration date. The instructions are updated from SHCA(2020), in the pages through page 8, to indicate that this is a full benchmark survey with different reporting requirements. Please note that forms and instructions may not be mailed to potential reporters, and must be downloaded from the Treasury website. The Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- (10-15-2020) List of Selected Reincorporated Companies dated October 2020.
- Expired Form SHCA(2020): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2020.
- (12-10-2020) The Federal Register Notice (Dec 10, 2020) of mandatory reporting requirements. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (10-30-2020) The Forms and Instructions are available. There are no changes in the schedules from SHCA(2018) and no changes in the instructions from SHCA(2018). The Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- (10-15-2020) List of Selected Reincorporated Companies dated October 2020.
- Expired Form SHCA(2019): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2019.
- (12-02-2019) The Federal Register Notice (December 2, 2019) of mandatory reporting requirements. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (12-02-2019) The Forms and Instructions are available. There are no changes in the schedules from SHCA(2018) and no changes in the instructions from SHCA(2018). The Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- Expired Form SHCA(2018): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2018.
- (12-06-2018) The Federal Register Notice (December 6, 2018) of mandatory reporting requirements. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (08-03-2018) The Federal Register Notice of August 3, 2018 (PDF) invited comments from the public by October 2, 2018, regarding proposed revisions in the instructions. No changes in the forms (called schedules) are proposed.
- (08-03-2018) The Forms and Instructions are available. There are no changes in the schedules from SHC(2016) except for changing the expiration date. The instructions are updated from SHCA(2017) to include the revisions described in the Federal Register Notice of August 3, 2018 (above). The forms, Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHCA(2017): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2017.
- The Federal Register Notice (December 13, 2017) of mandatory reporting requirements. Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (06-15-2017) The Federal Register Notice of June 15, 2017 (PDF) invited comments from the public by August 14, 2017, regarding proposed revisions in the instructions. No changes in the forms (called schedules) are proposed. No comments were received to change the proposals.
- (06-15-2017) The Forms and Instructions are available. There are no changes in the schedules from SHC(2016). The instructions are updated from SHC(2016) to indicate that this is an annual survey and to include other revisions. The forms, called Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHC(2016): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2016.
- (12-07-2016) The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (December 6, 2016) affects all U.S. persons, including affiliates of foreign entities, (a) who manage, as custodians, the safekeeping of a minimum amount of foreign securities for U.S. persons, (b) who own and/or invest on behalf of others, a minimum amount of foreign securities, and (c) who receive a letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York requiring them to report.
- (09-01-2016) The Federal Register Notice of September 1, 2016 (PDF) invited comments from the public by October 31, 2016, regarding the proposal to increase the exemption level for reporting from $100 million to $200 million. No changes in the forms were proposed. No comments were received to change the proposals.
- (09-02-2016) Forms and Instructions. There are no changes in the forms from SHCA(2015), except for a new expiration date and some minor clarifications. The instructions are updated from SHCA(2015) to indicate that this is a full benchmark survey and to include the new exemption levels and some clarifications. Please note that forms and instructions may not be mailed to potential reporters, and must be downloaded from the Treasury website. The forms, called Schedules, (PDF) are also available separately.
- List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHCA(2015): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2015.
- (12-1-2015) The Federal Register Notice (December 2015) of mandatory reporting requirements . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- The Instructions and Schedules (PDF) are the same as for SHCA(2014) and are available.
- List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports
- Expired Form SHCA(2014): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2014.
- (11-25-2014) The Federal Register Notice (November 2014) of mandatory reporting requirements . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- The Final Instructions and Schedules (PDF) are available.
--(02-04-2015, One clarification in Schedule 1) In schedule 1, the description of reporter type #5 on line 8 is expanded to make clear that broker/dealers are included.
--(03-13-2015, Corrections in instructions) The paragraphs with changes are marked with a vertical bar on the right-hand side. On page 26, item 6 now says CUSIP is preferred, not the ISIN code. On page 28, items 4,6,8 and 11 now refer to foreign securities, not to U.S. securities. There are no changes in the schedules.
--The schedules and instructions are revised from the previous survey primarily to streamline and standardize, to the extent possible, the SHL/SHLA form with the SHC/SHCA form. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Federal Register Notice of June 30, 2014 (PDF) (06/30/2014) invited comments from the public by August 29, 2014.
- Expired Form SHCA(2013): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2013. (Corrected, 02-07-2014) The reporting date on page 5 of the instructions is corrected to March 7, 2014.
- (11-12-2013) The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (November 2013) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. [The panel will include primarily the largest data reporters on the December 2011 benchmark survey and on the December 2012 TIC SLT report.] Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (11-08-2013) Forms and Instructions. These are the same as for the SHC(2012) report, except: (a) the OMB expiration date has been corrected to February 29, 2016; (b) the effective as-of date for the report has been changed to December 31, 2013 in the Introduction; (c) new website locations have been inserted on the Appendix D and E pages for the new country codes file; and (d) (Corrected, 02-07-2014) the reporting date on page 5 is changed to March 7, 2014.
-- Appendices D and E (effective beginning with reports as-of December 2013). This new Geographical Classification file contains codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations. The last few pages, beginning on page 11 of the file, contain appendix E's List of International and Regional Organizations. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Canceled -- Federal Register Notice of March 28, 2013 (PDF). (November 2013) It was impossible, due to IT conflicts, to begin the revisions as proposed for SHL(2014) and SHCA(2014). So the proposed revisions, primarily aimed to streamline and standardize the SHL/SHLA form with the SHC/SHCA form, were rescheduled in separate Federal Register Notices for SHCA(2014) and SHLA(2015). FYI: No comments were received on the canceled March 2013 Federal Register Notice.
- Expired Form SHCA(2012): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2012.
- (11-15-2012) The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (November 2012) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. [The panel will include primarily the largest data reporters on the December 2011 benchmark survey.] Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- (09-11-2012) Forms and Instructions. These are the same as for the SHC(2011) report, except that the "who must report" section is changed to reflect that SHCA(2012) is an annual report, not a benchmark report. It is effective for the report as of December 31, 2012.
-- Appendices D and E (June 2006). This Geographical Classification file contains codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations. The last few pages, beginning on page 11, contain appendix E's List of International and Regional Organizations. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHC(2011): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2011.
- (11-09-2011) The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (November 2011) affects all U.S. persons, including affiliates of foreign entities, (a) who manage, as custodians, the safekeeping of a minimum amount of foreign securities for U.S. persons, (b) who own and/or invest on behalf of others, a minimum amount of foreign securities, and (c) who receive a letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York requiring them to report.
- (10-14-2011) Final Forms and Instructions. The instructions are updated to indicate that this is a full benchmark survey.
-- The instructions contain many clarifications, including the following: (1) end-investors include investment managers and fund sponsors; (2) equity securities include ownership interests not evidenced by shares, but represented by contracts/ agreements not held "in safekeeping", such as limited partnership interests; (3) more information on “funds”; (4) how to report investments in, and investments of, funds, including hedge funds and master-feeder structures; (5) an updated definition of direct investment; (6) an updated list of custodians; and (7) new URLs for reporting electronically through IESUB and its successor, Reporting Central. The clarifications align the SHC instructions with other TIC reports such as the SHL(A) and the SLT. Please note that forms and instructions will not be mailed to potential reporters but must be downloaded from the Treasury website. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHCA(2010): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2010.
- (12-23-2010) The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (December 2010) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. [The panel will include those data reporters who were on the annual 2007, 2008 and 2009 SHCA panels.] Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Final Forms and Instructions . These are the same as for the SHCA(2009) annual report [Note: The vertical bars in the left hand margin indicate the several changes between the 2008 and 2009 reporting instructions]
-- Appendices D and E (June 2006). This Geographical Classification file contains codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations. The last few pages, beginning on page 11, contain appendix E's List of International and Regional Organizations. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHCA(2009): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2009.
- The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (December 2009) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Final Forms and Instructions . These are the same as for the SHCA(2008) annual report, except that some currency codes in appendix F are updated, the option of reporting schedule 3 via IESUB (available in 2008) is included in section E (submission instructions), and the expiration date has been changed to 12-31-2012. [Note: The vertical bars in the left hand margin indicate the several changes (on page 4 and Appendix F) from the reporting instructions for SHCA(2008).]
-- Appendices D and E (June 2006). This Geographical Classification file contains codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations. The last few pages, beginning on page 11, contain appendix E's List of International and Regional Organizations. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHCA(2008): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2008.
- The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (October 29, 2008) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Final Forms and Instructions (October 30, 2008). These are the same as for the SHCA(2007) annual report, except that some currency codes in appendix F have been updated. [Note: The vertical bars in the left hand margin indicate the several changes from the reporting instructions for SHCA(2007).]
-- Appendices D and E (June 2006). This Geographical Classification file contains codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations. The last few pages, beginning on page 11, contain appendix E's List of International and Regional Organizations. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHCA(2007): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2007.
- The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (September 26, 2007) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Final Forms and Instructions (September 26, 2007). The vertical bars in the left hand margin indicate the several changes from the reporting instructions for the SHC(2006) benchmark report.
-- Appendices D and E (Jan. 2006). This Geographical Classification file contains codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations. The last few pages, beginning on page 11, contain appendix E's List of International and Regional Organizations. - List of Selected Reincorporated Companies (1/7/2008) for SHC and SHCA reports.
- Expired Form SHC (2006): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2006.
- The Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (October 17, 2006) affects all U.S. persons, including affiliates of foreign entities, (a) who manage, as custodians, the safekeeping of a minimum amount of foreign securities for U.S. persons, and/or (b) who own a minimum amount of foreign securities.
- Final Forms and Instructions (minor revision Dec 1, 2006: (1) in top right corner of first page, entered correct expiration date and deleted the word "draft"; and (2) changed name of PDF file.) (Last revised 7/18/06: (a) on page 9 added the last point in section D on repos to further clarify reporting of securities; and (b) removed BLADEX from appendix D because it is in appendix E.) All revisions from last year's instructions are marked with black vertical bars in the margins.
- -- FAQs (11/30/06) for SHC and SHCA Respondents;
-- Common Reporting Errors in SHC and SHCA (11/30/06).
-- Comparison of short-term securities data (05/24/05; unchanged from last year) on the TIC SHL and SHC forms versus the TIC B forms. - Key Issues for SHC(A) Software Developers (12/01/2006).
- Internet Electronic Submission (IESUB) of reports:
-- IESUB User Request Form: PDF or doc (12/01/04; unchanged from last year)
- Expired Form SHCA (2005): U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2005.
NOTE: Respondents should use the same forms and instructions used for SHCA (2004).- Federal Register Notice of mandatory reporting requirements (11/03/05) . Entities required to report will be contacted individually by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Entities not contacted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York have no reporting responsibilities.
- Final Instructions and Forms (8/22/03, NOTE: these are the same forms and instructions used for SHCA (2003).). Electronic filing - technical information (8/22/03, same as appendix I in instructions).
- -- FAQs (02/01/05) for SHCA reports;
-- Key Issues for SHCA reports (03/21/05).
-- Comparison of short-term securities data (05/24/05) on the TIC SHL and SHC forms versus the TIC B forms. - Key Issues for SHCA Software Developers (02/01/2005).
- Internet Electronic Submission (IESUB) of reports:
-- IESUB User Request Form: PDF or doc (12/01/04)
- Expired Forms SHCA (2004), (2003), (2001), and (1997).: U.S. Ownership of Foreign Securities, including Selected Money Market Instruments, as of December 31, 2004; 2003; 2001; and 1997.
See the final reports on the results of these surveys in the us-claims-on-foreigners-from-holdings-of-foreign-securities webpage. The forms and instructions for those surveys are included in the last part of those reports (PDF).