TIC SLT Form and Instructions


Current Form SLT and Instructions (12-20-2022, one change was made in the Form) that are Effective for reports as-of November 2022 and afterwards:
  1. (NEW, one change, 12-20-2022) Form SLT(2022) Aggregate Holdings, Purchases and Sales, and Fair Value Changes of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents. The form is effective for reports as-of November 2022 and afterwards.
    -- On 12-20-2022, one change was made in the Country List on the Form: the name “Swaziland” was changed to “Eswatini”. The TIC country code was unchanged because this was just a name change. This revision applied to all TIC reporting forms. This revision was effective beginning with reports as of November 2022, OR as of December 2022 if your report for November was already prepared. [FYI: Previously, “Swaziland” was before Tanzania in the country list for Africa; now "Eswatini" is before Ethiopia in the country list for Africa.]
    -- On 08-15-2022 the following two corrections were made: (i) on the cover page, bottom right side, the due date is corrected to be the 23rd of the month; (ii) only in columns 45 and 46: now there is no shading for five (5) country codes (ECB, BIS, Eastern Caribbean, Bank Central Africa States and Central Bank West Africa). In addition, the Form now says "Revised Aug 15, 2022" in upper right part of the first page of the form.
    -- On 04-27-2022 small corrections were made only in columns 45 and 46 on page 22: the shading of cells were corrected in the three sets of "Of Which" rows at bottom of those two columns.
  2. (one correction, 12-06-2022) Instructions for Form SLT(2022), effective for reports as-of November 2022 and afterwards.
    -- On 12-06-2022, in line 7 of section 3.a on page 18, investments in offshore funds are reported on form columns 41-45.
    -- On 5-19-2021 these instructions were revised and dated May 2021.​
    -- The TIC Glossary. (revised March 2018).
    -- Geographical Classification (revised for reports beginning as-of November 2022) with codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations.
    -- Selected foreign official institutions (revised for reports beginning as-of November 2022).
  3. (06-02-2021) The Federal Register Notice of June 2, 2021 describes the proposed changes to the SLT Form and instructions in the section "Current Actions". Comments must be received on or before July 2, 2021.
    FYI: Nothing has changed since May 19, despite the FRN being dated June 2. This FRN simply formalizes all the revisions made on 5-19-2021. With two exceptions, the proposed changes in this Federal Register Notice are the same as those described in the Federal Register Notice of 01-28-2021; the exceptions are (i) the changes now go into effect for reports as of November 2022 (not February 2022), and (ii) the overlap period with the S-form data will now be for three months (not six months). End FYI.
Expired Form SLT and Instructions in Effect for reports as-of September 2018 through October 2022:
  1. The Federal Register Notice of January 17, 2018 describes the proposed changes to the SLT instructions. There are no changes to the SLT-Form.
  2. Form SLT , Aggregate Holdings of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents. There are no changes in the form; the form is effective for reports as-of December 2013 and afterwards.
  3. (12-20-2018), (08-31-2018) Instructions for Form SLT , effective for reports as-of September 2018 and afterwards. These instructions dated July 2018 include clarifications requested by the public; they are in addition to the revisions proposed in the Federal Register Notice of January 17, 2018. [Note: the only difference from the instructions dated June 2018 (posted on 8-31-2018) is that these July instructions add a reminder in the titles of charts 2 and 3 (pages 36 and 37) that end-investors should not report foreign securities held by US-resident custodians.) The third page of the instructions provides a summary of the clarifications/changes made since the instructions of June 2014.
    -- The TIC Glossary. .
    -- Geographical Classification (revised for December 2013) with codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations.
    -- Selected foreign official institutions (revised for December 2013).
Expired Form SLT and Instructions in effect for reports as-of June 2014 through July 2018:
  • The Federal Register Notice of February 12, 2014 described the changes to the form, effective for reports as of June 2014 and afterwards. OMB approved the 3-year extension of the form and instructions.
  • Form SLT , Aggregate Holdings of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents. There are no changes in the form; the form is effective for reports as-of December 2013 and afterwards.
  • Instructions for Form SLT , effective for reports as-of June 2014 and afterwards. The changes in the instructions are: (a) Electronic filing of the TIC Form SLT report is mandatory. Using the Federal Reserve System’s “Reporting Central” electronic submission system is easy, secure, confirms receipt of your data, and performs validity checks of your file format. Because of the long set up time for a “Reporting Central” account, respondents should contact the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at 212-720-6300 as soon as possible. (b) The TIC glossary is a separate document to be used for all TIC reports. There also are some clarifications in the instructions.
    -- The TIC Glossary. The glossaries for all Treasury International Capital (“TIC”) reports are consolidated into a single document which will provide more consistency across the TIC system. As a result, the TIC SLT reporting instructions will not include a glossary but will point to this separate consolidated Glossary document on the TIC website.
    The following are more information on the lists of countries and foreign official institutions:
    -- Geographical Classification (revised for December 2013) with codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations.
    -- Selected foreign official institutions (revised for December 2013).​​
Expired Form SLT and Instructions in effect for reports as-of December 2013 through May 2014:
  • There is no federal register notice for this update of the country list. The revision of the country list for all TIC reporting forms is effective for reports as of December 2013 and afterwards. [FYI: On 4-25-2013 the effective date was changed to December 2013, from June 2013, for the revision of the country list; on 3-27-2013 the effective date was changed to September 2013.]
  • Form SLT (effective for reports as-of December 2013 and thereafter) -- Aggregate Holdings of Long-Term Securities by U.S. and Foreign Residents.
    (Corrections: 11-26-2013) The expiration date was corrected on the cover page of the form in the box on the upper-right side. (11-22-2013) The page numbers on the 23 pages of the form were corrected. (11-1-2013) The order of the two names in country code 3647-1 was changed to read "St. Barthelemy and St. Martin". (6-14-2013) The form was updated to the new country list.
  • There are no changes to the instructions. Instructions for Form SLT (effective for reports as-of September 2011 through May 2014. The following are more information on the new lists of countries and foreign official institutions:
    -- Geographical Classification (revised for December 2013) with codes for foreign countries, areas, and organizations.
    -- Selected foreign official institutions (revised for December 2013).
Expired Form SLT (in effect for reports as-of September 2011 through November 2013):
Additional Information:
  • (8-4-2011) FAQs for Form SLT.
  • (8-4-2011) Reporting Responsibilities Flowcharts.
  • The Federal Register Notice of June 2011 notified the start of the mandatory report.
    (6-27-2011) SLT reporting will begin with the report as of September 30, 2011, instead of June 30 as originally proposed. Thus there will be two quarterly reports as of September 30 and December 31, 2011, and then reporting will change to a monthly basis beginning with the report as-of January 31, 2012.  OMB approved the data collection in June 2011.
  • The Federal Register Notice of August 2010 announced the proposed new Form SLT.
Seminar Information:
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York held a seminar on April 5, 2011, to train reporters how to correctly complete the new TIC SLT positions report. You may view the webcast of the seminar, and also down load the items handed out at the seminar, until October 20, 2011.
-- Key topics were: Why the new report is needed; Who should report (U.S. custodians; U.S. end-investors, including investment managers, pension funds and foundations; and issuers of U.S. securities); Consolidation rules and exemption levels; How to determine the residence of the issuer or holder; What types of securities should be reported and how they should be reported; Electronic submission of the report.
Description of Form SLT:
The TIC Form SLT is part of the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data reporting system, which is required by law (22 U.S.C. 286f; 22 U.S.C. 3103; E.O. 10033; 31 C.F.R. 128), and is designed to gather timely and reliable information on long-term U.S. securities held by foreign residents and long-term foreign securities held by U.S. residents. This information will be used by the U.S. Government in the formulation of U.S. international financial and monetary policies and for the preparation of the U.S. balance of payments accounts and the U.S. international investment position.
-- For the period September 2011 through October 2022, the SLT collected monthly data on holdings of long-term securities for portfolio investment purposes.
-- For the period November 2022 and afterwards, the SLT collects monthly data on: (a) holdings of long-term securities for portfolio investment purposes (no change); (b) purchases and sales of long-term securities by U.S. residents; and (c) changes in the fair value of holdings that result only from changes in the prices of the securities held.
Who Reports on Form SLT:
U.S.-resident custodians of securities, U.S.-resident issuers of long-term U.S. securities, and U.S.-resident end-investors in long-term foreign securities. These include banks, other depository institutions, securities brokers and dealers, investors, nonbanking business enterprises, funds, investment managers and other entities in the U.S. who deal with cross-border holdings of long-term securities. (In the instructions, see General Instructions, Sections A, B and C on "Who Must Report" for more details.)